To produce a Translation in the Main Menu select Operations - > Transformation - > Translation
This Operation makes a translation of an Object. To translate a shape you need to define the base shape and the coordinates of the vector of translation.
Create a copy checkbox allows to keep the initial object, otherwise it will be removed.
Advanced options.
The Result of all operations will be any GEOM_Object.
The Vector of translation can be defined in three different ways selectable using the radio buttons.
Firstly you can define the Vector by coordinates along the axes.
TUI Command: geompy.MakeTranslation(Shape, DX, DY, DZ), where Shape is a shape to be translated, DX, DY, DZ are components of translation vector.
Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 3 values (coordinates).
Secondly you can define the Vector by the start and the end points.
TUI Command: geompy.MakeTranslationTwoPoints(Object, Point1, Point2)
Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 2 vertices
Finally you can define the Vector explicitely. The Object will be translated by the length of the vector. If a curve has been selected instead of the vector, only its first and last vertices will be used to get the vector direction and the dialog preview will display the vector along which the object will be translated.
Activate Distance checkbox and Distance field allow defining a custom distance of translation.
TUI Command: for translation by vector: geompy.MakeTranslationVector(Object, Vector)
TUI Command for translation by vector and a custom distance: geompy.MakeTranslationVectorDistance(Object, Vector, Distance)
Arguments: Name + one or several objects + 1 vector.
Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of the use of Transformation Operations.