To create a Point in the Main Menu select New Entity - > Basic - > Point
There are five algorithms to create a Point in the 3D space.
Each time the Result of the operation will be a GEOM_Object (vertex).
Firstly, we can define a point by setting its X, Y and Z Coordinates.
TUI Command: geompy.MakeVertex(X, Y, Z)
Arguments: Name (Vertex_n by default) + X, Y and Z coordinates of the point.
Secondly, we can define a point by a Reference to another point and the shift of the coordinates of the new point regarding the coordinates of the old one.
TUI Command: geompy.MakeVertexWithRef(Reference, X,Y,Z).
Arguments: Name + 1 reference point + 3 coordinates defining the position of this point regarding the reference one.
Thirdly, we can define a point by an Edge and a Parameter indicating its position on the Edge, ranging from 0.0 to 1.0. For example, 0.5 means that the point is located in the middle of the edge.
TUI Command: geompy.MakeVertexOnCurve(Edge,Parameter,takeOrientationIntoAccount).
Arguments: Name + 1 edge + 1 Parameter defining the position of the point on the given edge + flag that tells if it is necessary to take the edge orientation into account.
Alternatively, it is possible to define a point by an Edge and a Length. The Length defines the position of the point on the given edge. It can exceed the length of the edge or be negative. In this case the edge is extrapolated along its curve (except for bezier and b-spline curves). The Start Point defines the direction for the length calculation (if not defined, the first vertex of the Edge is used, else the vertex of the Edge, which is closest to the Start Point).
TUI Command: geompy.MakeVertexOnCurveByLength(Edge,Length,StartPoint=None).
Arguments: Name + 1 edge + 1 Length + 1 Point.
It is also possible to define 3D coordinates of the point projected on the given edge to produce the resulting point.
TUI Command: geompy.MakeVertexOnCurveByCoord(Edge,X,Y,Z).
Arguments: Name + 1 edge + 3 coordinate values of the projected point.
Fourthly, we can define a point by intersection of two Lines or Wires (or a Wire and a Line). If they intersect only once, a point will be created. If there are several intersections, a compound of points will be created.
TUI Command: geompy.MakePointOnLinesIntersection(myLine1,myWire1).
Arguments: Name + 2 1D objects
Finally, we can define a point located on a Face. The position of the point on it can be defined in one of two ways:
Our TUI Scripts provide you with useful examples of creation of Basic Geometric Objects.