GUI | |
OCCViewer | |
Plot2d | |
PVSERVER_Gen | The main interface class for PVSERVER CORBA service. Instantiation of this class has to be done before access to any other PARAVIS interfaces |
QtLP_Private | |
QtLockedFile | |
SalomeApp | |
Engine | |
salomevtk | |
vtkPVAxesActor | |
vtkPVAxesWidgetObserver | |
vtkPVAxesWidget | |
SVTK | |
TPickLimiter | |
TIsSameEntry | This functor check, if the actor have pointed entry |
TIsSameIObject | This functor check, if the actor point to the same SALOME_InteractiveObject |
THighlight | |
TCollectIfVisible | |
THighlightAction | |
TIsActorVisibleAction | |
TErase | |
TRemoveAction | |
VTK | |
ActorCollectionCopy | |
TSetFunction | |
TSetVisibility | |
TVertex | |
TColorFunctorBase | |
TPropertyColor | |
TColors2Color | |
TPointColors2Color | |
TCellColors2Color | |
VTKViewer | |
Representation | |
ActionMgrLocker | |
AIS_InteractiveObject | |
AIS_TexturedShape | |
CAF_Application | OCC OCAF-based application |
CAF_Operation | Base operation class for all operations used in CAF package |
CAF_Study | Represents study for using in CAF module |
CAF_Tools | Prodives a set of helpful static methods |
CAM_Application | Introduces an application class which provides modular architecture |
ModuleInfo | |
ModuleShortInfo | |
CAM_DataModel | Base class for all data models used in CAM-based applications |
CAM_DataObject | CAM-based implementation of the data object |
CAM_Module | Base implementation of the module in the CAM application architecture |
CAM_ModuleObject | CAM data model root object |
CAM_Study | Represents document object in the CAM application architecture |
CASCatch_CatchSignals | This class controls an exception handling |
CASCatch_ErrorHandler | This class is an exception handler, private |
CASCatch_Failure | This class presents an exception to be thrown |
CloseButton | |
CloseEvent | |
CMapEntry | |
CrMenu | |
CrTool | |
DataModel | |
DataObject | |
DataProcessor | |
DDS_DicGroup | This class provides a set of DDS_DicItem objects from one component |
DDS_DicItem | This class provides an information about datum (phisical characteristic parameter) |
UnitData | |
DDS_Dictionary | This class provides an information about used datums, reading them from XML file |
DDS_KeyWords | This class defines the pairs of internal keys and XML tags or attributes names |
DiffItem | The structure representing difference between source and destination items |
DockWidgets | |
DumpStudyFileDlg | |
Engines_Component_i | |
FuncMsg | Function call in/out tracer |
GetInterfaceThread | |
GLViewer_AspectLine | Class for manage of presentations in GLViewer |
GLViewer_Compass | |
GLViewer_Context | |
GLViewer_CoordSystem | Class implementing mathematical model of 2D coordinate system |
GLViewer_Drawer | |
GLViewer_Grid | |
GLViewer_Group | |
GLViewer_LineField | |
GLViewer_LineList | |
GLViewer_MarkerDrawer | |
GLViewer_MarkerSet | |
GLViewer_MimeData | |
GLViewer_Object | |
GLViewer_ObjectTip | |
GLViewer_Pnt | |
GLViewer_Poly | |
GLViewer_Polyline | |
GLViewer_PolylineDrawer | |
GLViewer_Rect | |
GLViewer_Segment | |
GLViewer_Selector | |
GLViewer_Selector2d | |
GLViewer_TexFindId | |
GLViewer_TexFont | |
GLViewer_TexIdStored | |
GLViewer_Text | |
GLViewer_TextDrawer | |
GLViewer_TextObject | |
GLViewer_Tools | |
GLViewer_View2dTransformer | |
GLViewer_Viewer | |
GLViewer_Viewer2d | |
GLViewer_ViewFrame | |
GLViewer_ViewManager | |
GLViewer_ViewPort | |
GLViewer_ViewPort2d | |
GLViewer_ViewSketcher | |
GLViewer_ViewTransformer | |
GLViewer_Widget | |
GraphicsView_Object | |
GraphicsView_Scene | |
GraphicsView_Selector | |
GraphicsView_Viewer | |
GraphicsView_ViewFrame | |
GraphicsView_ViewManager | |
GraphicsView_ViewPort | |
ViewLabel | |
GraphicsView_ViewTransformer | |
GraphNode | |
HelpBrowser | |
HelpBrowser_Application | |
ImageComposer_ColorMaskOperator | Implementation of the color mask operator |
ImageComposer_CropOperator | Implementation of the cropping operator |
ImageComposer_CutOperator | Implementation of the cutting operator |
ImageComposer_FuseOperator | Implementation of the fusing operator |
ImageComposer_Image | Implementation of image in the global coordinate system |
ImageComposer_Operator | Implementation of the base abstract operation for image composing |
IMap | Indexed map template class |
IMapConstIterator | Indexed map const iterator template class |
IMapIterator | Indexed map iterator template class |
InitEvent | Helper event class responsible for initializing SALOME_Event mechanism by the main thread ID |
LightApp_AboutDlg | |
LightApp_Application | |
LightApp_DataModel | |
LightApp_DataObject | Base data object class to build the data model for all the SALOME modules |
Key | Represents unique data object key for the LightApp_DataObject class instances |
LightApp_DataOwner | |
LightApp_DataSubOwner | |
LightApp_Dialog | |
Object | |
LightApp_Displayer | |
LightApp_Driver | |
LightApp_EventFilter | |
LightApp_FullScreenHelper | |
LightApp_GLSelector | |
LightApp_GVSelector | |
LightApp_HDFDriver | |
LightApp_Module | |
LightApp_ModuleAction | An action, representing the list of modules to be inserted to the toolbar |
ActionSet | Internal class to represent list of modules buttons |
ActivateEvent | Internal class to represent custom event for transfer the activation item id |
ComboAction | Internal class to represent combo box with the list of modules in the toolbar |
LightApp_ModuleDlg | A dialog box allowing to select study operation to be performed on the module activating |
LightApp_ModuleObject | Used for optimized access to the data model from the data objects |
LightApp_NameDlg | |
LightApp_OBSelector | Object browser selection handler class |
LightApp_OCCSelector | |
LightApp_Operation | Base class for all operations Base class for all operations (see SUIT_Operation for more description) |
LightApp_Plot2dSelector | |
LightApp_Preferences | |
LightApp_PreferencesDlg | |
LightApp_PyEditor | |
LightApp_PyFileValidator | Validator for Python scripts file names |
LightApp_RootObject | Root data object for the light (without CORBA) SALOME application |
LightApp_Selection | |
LightApp_SelectionMgr | |
LightApp_ShowHideOp | |
LightApp_Study | |
LightApp_SVTKDataOwner | |
LightApp_SwitchOp | This class is intended for controling switching between operation |
LightApp_VTKSelector | |
LightApp_WgViewModel | |
LogWindow | Widget, displaying log messages |
MainWindow | |
MMgt_TShared | |
MyDataModel | |
MyDataObject | |
NCollection_List | |
NoteBook_Table | |
NoteBook_TableRow | |
NoteBoox_Variable | |
OB_Browser | Object browser widget which can be used to handle tree-like data model |
ToolTip | |
OB_Filter | |
ObserverEvent | |
OCCViewer_AISSelector | |
OCCViewer_AxialScaleDlg | Dialog allowing to assign parameters of axes scaling |
OCCViewer_AxisWidget | |
AxisData | |
OCCViewer_ClippingDlg | Dialog allowing to assign parameters of clipping plane |
OCCViewer_ClipPlane | |
OCCViewer_ClipPlaneInteractor | The class provides mouse dragging operations with AIS_Plane: 1) Sliding plane by dragging it with point 2) Rotating plane around one or both of the rotation axes by dragging its point with "ctrl" key pressed |
OCCViewer_CreateRestoreViewDlg | |
OCCViewer_CubeAxesDlg | |
AxisWidget | Axis tab widget of the "Graduated axis" dialog box |
OCCViewer_EnvTextureDlg | Dialog allowing to assign parameters of environment texture |
OCCViewer_FontWidget | |
OCCViewer_LightSourceDlg | Dialog allowing to assign parameters of light source |
OCCViewer_PolygonSketcher | |
OCCViewer_RayTracingDlg | Dialog allowing to assign parameters of ray tracing |
OCCViewer_RectSketcher | |
OCCViewer_SetRotationPointDlg | |
OCCViewer_ToolTip | Custom tooltip for AIS_InteractiveObjects and SelectMgr_EntityOwners in the OCC Viewer |
OCCViewer_Trihedron | |
OCCViewer_Utilities | |
OCCViewer_Viewer | |
OCCViewer_ViewFrame | |
OCCViewer_ViewManager | |
OCCViewer_ViewPort | |
OCCViewer_ViewPort3d | |
OCCViewer_ViewportInputFilter | The user input filter of OCC viewports. The class can be used to introduce custom interactive operations in OCC viewer, e.g. manipulating IO. The filter receives events in priority to the viewport itself and can bypass some events if it provides custom handling |
OCCViewer_ViewSketcher | |
OCCViewer_ViewWindow | |
OCCViewer_VService | |
OpenGLUtils_FrameBuffer | |
Plane | |
Plot2d_Algorithm | |
Plot2d_AnalyticalCurve | |
Plot2d_AnalyticalCurveDlg | |
UpdateLocker | |
Updater | |
Plot2d_AnalyticalParser | |
Plot2d_AxisScaleDraw | |
Plot2d_Curve | |
Plot2d_CurveContainer | |
Plot2d_FitDataDlg | |
Plot2d_Histogram | |
Plot2d_HistogramItem | |
Plot2d_HistogramQwtItem | |
Plot2d_NormalizeAlgorithm | |
Plot2d_Object | |
Plot2d_Plot2d | |
Plot2d_Point | |
Plot2d_Prs | |
Plot2d_QwtLegend | |
Plot2d_QwtLegendLabel | |
Plot2d_QwtPlotCurve | |
Plot2d_DeviationData | |
Plot2d_QwtPlotPicker | |
Plot2d_QwtPlotZoomer | |
Plot2d_ScaleDraw | |
Plot2d_SelectableItem | |
Plot2d_SetupCurveDlg | Dialog box for modifying 2d curve settings |
Plot2d_SetupCurveScaleDlg | Dialog box for modifying 2d curve scale factor |
Plot2d_SetupViewDlg | Dialog box to setup Plot2d view window |
Plot2d_ToolTip | |
Plot2d_Viewer | |
Plot2d_ViewFrame | |
Plot2d_ViewManager | |
Plot2d_ViewWindow | Plot2d view window |
Plot2d_YScaleDraw | |
Pnt | |
ProgressEvent | Progress change custom event |
PVServer_ServiceLoader | |
PVServer_ServiceLoader_Exception | |
PVServer_ServiceWrapper | |
Private | |
PVViewer_Behaviors | ! PARAVIS behaviors - mimic what is done in Qt/ApplicationComponents/pqParaViewBehaviors.cxx Except a few ones, behaviors are destroyed when the module is destroyed |
PVViewer_Core | Pure static class gathering most of the interactions with ParaView's API and ParaView's start sequence |
PVViewer_GUIElements | |
PVViewer_LogWindowAdapter | |
PVViewer_Viewer | |
PVViewer_ViewManager | |
PVViewer_ViewWindow | PVGUI view window |
PyConsole_Editor | |
PyConsole_Interp | |
PyEditor_Settings | |
PyInterp_Interp | |
PyModuleHelper | This class implements API helper for all the Python-based SALOME GUI modules |
InitLocker | Initialization locker |
XmlHandler | XML resource files parser |
PyViewer_Settings | |
PyViewer_Viewer | Python view model |
PyViewer_ViewManager | Python viewer view manager |
PyViewer_ViewWindow | Python view window |
QAbstractButton | |
QAbstractItemModel | |
QAction | |
QApplication | |
QComboBox | |
QCommonStyle | |
QDialog | |
QDockWidget | |
QDoubleSpinBox | |
QDoubleValidator | |
QDS | A set of usefull static functions |
QDS_CheckBox | |
QDS_ComboBox | |
QDS_Datum | Base class for all controls using the data dictionary |
Wrapper | Wrapper for sub widgets |
QDS_DoubleValidator | A validator for floating point values |
QDS_IntegerValidator | A validator for integer values |
QDS_LineEdit | |
Editor | Improved version of QLineEdit |
QDS_RadioBox | |
QDS_SpinBox | |
QDS_SpinBoxDbl | |
QDS_StringValidator | A validator for string values |
QDS_Table | |
DeleteFilter | |
QDS_TextEdit | |
QEvent | |
QFile | |
QFileDialog | |
QFrame | |
QGLWidget | |
QGraphicsItemGroup | |
QGraphicsScene | |
QGraphicsView | |
QGroupBox | |
QHeaderView | |
QIntValidator | |
QItemDelegate | |
QLabel | |
QLineEdit | |
QList | |
QListWidget | |
QMainWindow | |
QMdiArea | |
QMenu | |
QMessageBox | |
QMimeData | |
QObject | For more information see QT documentation |
QSortFilterProxyModel | |
QSpinBox | |
QSplitter | |
QStandardItemModel | |
QTabBar | |
QTable | |
QTableWidget | |
QThread | |
QtLocalPeer | |
QToolBar | |
QToolButton | |
QTranslator | |
QTreeView | |
QTreeWidget | |
QTreeWidgetItem | |
QtSingleApplication | |
Qtx | A set of helpful utility functions |
BackgroundData | Stores background data |
CmdLineArgs | Get access to the command line arguments in the C-like manner |
Localizer | Localization helper |
QtxAbstractRubberBand | Analog of class QRubberBand with possibility of creation non-rectangular contour for selection |
QtxAction | Generic action class |
ActionNotify | Notify event used to signalize about event adding/removing |
QtxActionGroup | Groups actions together |
QtxActionMenuMgr | Main menu actions manager |
MenuCreator | Menu actions creator |
MenuNode | Represents a menu item inside main menu structure |
QtxActionMgr | Manages a set of actions accessible by unique identifier |
Creator | Generic actions creator class |
Reader | Generic actions description files reader class |
SeparatorAction | Separator action class |
XMLReader | XML file reader |
QtxActionSet | An action class which is represented in the menu bar (or toolbar) as a group of items (which can be customized) |
QtxActionToolMgr | Toolbar actions manager |
ToolBarInfo | |
ToolCreator | Toolbars creator |
ToolNode | Represents a toolbutton inside toolbar structure |
QtxBackgroundDialog | Dialog box that can be used to set-up the background data |
QtxBackgroundTool | Implementation of the widget managing background data |
QtxBiColorTool | Implementation of the widget managing a couple of colors |
ColorLabel | Draw colored label (for secondary color) |
QtxColorButton | Implements a widget for color preference items editing |
QtxColorScale | Color Scale widget |
QtxComboBox | Enhanced version of Qt combo box class |
ClearEvent | Custom event, used to process 'cleared' state of the combo box in editable mode |
Model | Internal view model, used to process 'cleared' state of the combo box |
QtxDialog | Generic dialog box class |
Area | Area containing dialog box buttons |
Border | Special label used as border widget (separator between main frame and button frame) |
QtxDockAction | Dockable windows & toolbars list action |
QtxDockWidget | Enhanced dockable widget class |
Watcher | Internal class which goal is to watch parent dockable widget state changing |
QtxDoubleSpinBox | Enhanced version of the Qt's double spin box |
QtxDoubleSpinSlider | |
QtxDoubleValidator | Validator for double numbers with possibility to fix up the invalid value |
QtxEvalExpr | String expression evaluator |
QtxEvalParser | Expression parser |
PostfixItem | Postfix representation element |
QtxEvalSet | Generic class for all the operations sets used in expressions |
QtxEvalSetArithmetic | Provides set of arithmetical operations for the parser |
QtxEvalSetBase | Generic class. Provides functionality for standard operations sets |
QtxEvalSetConst | Provides different standard constants |
QtxEvalSetLogic | Provides set of logical operations for the parser |
QtxEvalSetMath | Provides a set of more complex operations (mathematical functions) for the parser (sqrt, sin, cos, etc) |
QtxEvalSetSets | Provides set of operations with sequences for the parser |
QtxEvalSetString | Provides set of string operations for the parser |
QtxFontEdit | Widget for font preference items editing |
QtxGridBox | A container widget with possibility to automatically layout child widgets |
Space | Represents a space in the grid box |
QtxGroupBox | Enhanced group box widget |
QtxIntSpinBox | Enhanced version of the Qt's spin box |
QtxIntSpinSlider | |
QtxIntValidator | Validator for integer numbers with possibility to fix up the invalid value |
QtxListAction | Action with associated list of items |
ListFrame | Expanding frame with action list and comment |
ListWidget | List of actions |
ScrollEvent | Event for the scrolling in the list of actions |
QtxListBox | |
QtxLogoMgr | Provides a way to install logo pictures to the application main window |
LogoBox | Logo images container |
LogoInfo | |
QtxMainWindow | Enhanced main window which supports dockable menubar and status bar plus geometry saving/restoring |
Filter | Internal object used to filter child removal events for specified widget from parent widget |
Resizer | Internal object used to resize dock widgets |
QtxMenu | The class QtxMenu represents the popup menu with the title |
Title | Popup menu title item |
QtxMRUAction | Menu action which provides most recent used items support |
QtxMultiAction | The class QtxMultiAction implements modifiable action |
Button | Custom button to be used in the toolbar |
Filter | Waches for the buttons in the popup menu to update the tool buttons state |
Menu | Custom menu to be used with the toolbuttons as drop down list |
QtxPageNamedPrefItem | Base class for implementation of the named preference items (items with text labels) |
QtxPagePrefBackgroundItem | GUI implementation of the resources item to store background data |
QtxPagePrefBiColorItem | GUI implementation of the resources item to store a bi-color value |
QtxPagePrefCheckItem | GUI implementation of the resources check box item (boolean) |
QtxPagePrefColorItem | GUI implementation of the resources color item |
QtxPagePrefDateTimeItem | GUI implementation of resources date/time item |
QtxPagePrefEditItem | GUI implementation of the resources line edit box item for string, integer and double values |
QtxPagePrefFontItem | GUI implementation of the resources font item |
QtxPagePrefFrameItem | GUI implementation of the frame widget container |
QtxPagePrefGroupItem | GUI implementation of the group widget container |
QtxPagePrefItem | Base class for implementation of all the widget-based preference items |
Listener | |
QtxPagePrefLabelItem | Label item which can be used in the preferences editor dialog box |
QtxPagePrefListItem | GUI implementation of the list container preference item |
QtxPagePrefMgr | GUI implementation of the QtxPreferenceMgr class: preferences manager |
QtxPagePrefPathItem | GUI implementation of the resources file/directory path item |
QtxPagePrefPathListItem | GUI implementation of the resources files/directories list item |
QtxPagePrefSelectItem | GUI implementation of the resources selector item (string, integer or double values list) |
QtxPagePrefShortcutBtnsItem | |
QtxPagePrefShortcutTreeItem | |
QtxPagePrefSliderItem | |
QtxPagePrefSpaceItem | Simple spacer item which can be used in the preferences editor dialog box |
QtxPagePrefSpinItem | GUI implementation of the resources spin box item (for integer or double value) |
QtxPagePrefTabsItem | GUI implementation of the tab widget container |
QtxPagePrefTextItem | GUI implementation of the resources text box edit item (for large text data) |
QtxPagePrefToolBoxItem | GUI implementation of the tool box container preference item |
QtxPathDialog | Simple convenience dialog to enter a path to the file or to the directory |
FileEntry | |
QtxPathEdit | Widget for file or directory path preference items editing |
QtxPathListEdit | Widget for files or directories paths list preference items editing |
Delegate | Custom item delegate for the paths list widget |
Editor | Path editor widget |
QtxPolyRubberBand | |
QtxPopupMgr | Popup menu manager |
PopupCreator | Popup menu actions creator |
QtxPopupSelection | This class is a part of the popup menu management system |
QtxPreferenceItem | Base class for implementing of all the preference items |
Updater | Preference item updater |
QtxPreferenceMgr | Class for managing preferences items |
QtxRectRubberBand | |
QtxResourceMgr | Application resources manager |
Format | Generic resources files reader/writer class |
IniFormat | Reader/writer for .ini resources files |
Resources | Represents container for settings read from the resource file |
XmlFormat | Reader/writer for .xml resources files |
QtxSearchTool | Context search tool |
Searcher | Generic searcher class |
QtxShortcutEdit | |
QtxShortcutTree | |
QtxSlider | |
QtxSplash | Splash screen that can be shown during application startup |
QtxSplitDlg | Used for arranging views(menu item "Window->Arrange Views") and for creating sub-views of current view(button "Create sub-views") |
QtxTable | |
QtxToolBar | Enhanced toolbar class |
Watcher | Internal class which goal is to watch parent toolbar state changing |
QtxToolButton | Drop-down tool button that behaves like a drop-down combo-box |
QtxToolTip | |
QtxTranslator | Extended version of QTranslator |
QtxTreeView | Tree view class with possibility to display columns popup menu |
Header | Custom tree view header class |
QtxTreeViewSearcher | A QTreeView class based searcher |
QtxUserDefinedContent | |
QtxUserDefinedItem | |
QtxWebBrowser | The QtxWebBrowser provides a window that can display html pages from local file system |
Downloader | A dialog box that is used to process file links |
Searcher | A class is used with QtxSearchTool in order to search text within the web page |
QtxWorkspace | A workspace widget which can be used in the MDI application as top-level widget in the application main window |
QtxWorkspaceAction | Implements actions group for menu Windows with standard operations, like "Cascade", "Tile", "Tile Horizontally", etc |
QtxWorkstack | Workstack widget |
QtxWorkstackAction | Implements actions group for menu Windows with standard operations, like "Split vertical", "Split horizontal", etc |
QtxWorkstackArea | Workstack widget workarea |
RestoreEvent | Internal class used to forward restore info events to the workarea |
WidgetEvent | Internal class used to forward child widgets events to the workarea |
QtxWorkstackChild | Workarea child widget container |
QtxWorkstackDrag | Workstack drag object |
QtxWorkstackSplitter | Workstack splitter |
QtxWorkstackTabBar | Workstack tab bar widget |
QValidator | |
QValueList | For more documentation see QT documentation. QT class |
QVTK_GenericRenderWindowInteractor | |
QVTK_RenderWindowInteractor | |
QWidget | |
QWidgetAction | |
QwtLegend | |
QwtLegendLabel | |
QwtPlot | |
QwtPlotCurve | |
QwtPlotItem | |
QwtPlotPicker | |
QwtPlotZoomer | |
QwtScaleDraw | |
QxScene_Viewer | |
QxScene_ViewManager | |
QxScene_ViewWindow | |
RaiseWindowHelper | |
RefCount | Base counter class what children using in SmartPtr class how template |
RunBrowser | |
SALOME_Actor | The class is a basic one for all SALOME VTK presentation |
SALOME_AISObject | |
SALOME_AppStudyEditor | |
SALOME_CustomEvent | Generic event class for user-defined events |
SALOME_Displayer | |
SALOME_Event | The class which encapsulates data and functionality required for posting component-specific events to perform arbitrary operations in the main GUI thread |
SALOME_EventFilter | |
SALOME_Filter | |
SALOME_InteractiveObject | .. |
SALOME_Prs | |
SALOME_Prs2d | |
SALOME_PYQT_BorrowedDataObjectLight | |
SALOME_PYQT_DataModelLight | |
SALOME_PYQT_DataObjectLight | |
SALOME_PYQT_Module | This class implements GUI module for CORBA engine-based Python SALOME modules |
SALOME_PYQT_ModuleLight | This class implements GUI module for "light-weight" (no-CORBA-engine) Python-based SALOME modules |
SALOME_PYQT_PyInterp | |
SALOME_PYQT_Selector | Object browser selection handler class |
SALOME_QApplication | |
SALOME_ResourceMgr | |
SALOME_Selection | The class represents selection which can be used in Python |
SALOME_Session | |
SALOME_Session_i | |
SALOME_StudyEditor | |
SALOME_TypeFilter | |
SALOME_View | |
SalomeApp_Application | Application containing SalomeApp module or LightApp module |
SalomeApp_CheckFileDlg | |
SalomeApp_ComboBox | |
SalomeApp_DataModel | Description : Base class of data model |
SalomeApp_DataModelSync | |
SalomeApp_DataObject | Implementation of the data object for use in CORBA-based SALOME modules |
SalomeApp_DoubleSpinBox | |
SalomeApp_EditBox | |
SalomeApp_Engine_i | |
SalomeApp_EntityEdit | |
SalomeApp_ExceptionHandler | |
SalomeApp_ExitDlg | Describes a dialog box shown on question about quit application |
SalomeApp_Filter | |
SalomeApp_ImportOperation | |
SalomeApp_IntSpinBox | |
SalomeApp_ListView | |
SalomeApp_ListViewItem | |
SalomeApp_LoadStudiesDlg | Dialog box which allows selecting study to be loaded from the list |
SalomeApp_Module | Base class for all salome modules |
SalomeApp_ModuleObject | This class is used for optimized access to the SALOMEDS-based data model from SalomeApp_DataObject class instances |
SalomeApp_NoteBook | |
SalomeApp_PyInterp | |
SalomeApp_RootObject | Root data object for the CORBA-based SALOME application |
SalomeApp_SavePointObject | Represents persistent visual_state object |
SalomeApp_SavePointRootObject | Represents parent object for visual_state objects |
SalomeApp_Study | |
Observer_i | |
SalomeApp_StudyPropertiesDlg | |
SalomeApp_Tools | |
SalomeApp_TypeFilter | |
SalomeApp_VisualState | |
SalomeAppTest | |
SALOMEGUI_Swig | Python interface module for SALOME GUI |
SalomePyQt | The class provides utility functions which can be used in the Python to operate with the SALOME GUI |
SearchPoint | |
ServArg | |
Session_ServerCheck | The class Session_ServerCheck is used to check SALOME servers availability |
Locker | Automatic locker/unlocker |
Session_ServerLauncher | |
Session_ServerThread | |
Session_SessionThread | |
SmartPtr | Template class that provides automatic casting for hold RefCount based objects |
SOCC_Prs | |
SOCC_Viewer | |
SOCC_ViewWindow | |
SPlot2d_Curve | |
SPlot2d_Histogram | |
SPlot2d_Prs | |
SPlot2d_Viewer | |
SPlot2d_ViewWindow | |
StandardApp_Module | |
StatusLabel | Status bar customization label. Used to workaroubd desktop resizing bug |
STD_Application | |
STD_MDIDesktop | |
STD_SDIDesktop | |
STD_TabDesktop | |
Style_Model | SALOME style model |
AppData | |
Style_PrefDlg | SALOME style prefences dialog box class |
PaletteEditor | SALOME style palette editor widget |
Style_ResourceMgr | SALOME style resources manager |
Style_Salome | SALOME style class |
Style_Tools | A set of utility functions used by SALOME style to draw widgets |
SUIT_AbstractModel | |
SUIT_Accel | Manager of keyboard accelerator bindings |
SUIT_ActionOperation | |
SUIT_Application | |
SUIT_CameraProperties | Base class for Camera Properties |
SUIT_DataBrowser | Object browser customization |
SUIT_DataObject | Data object representing the data instance in the tree-like hierarchy |
Signal | Watcher class, responsible for the emitting signals on behalf of the data objects |
SUIT_DataObjectIterator | |
SUIT_DataObjectKey | |
SUIT_DataObjectKeyHandle | |
SUIT_DataObjectLevelIterator | |
SUIT_DataOwner | |
SUIT_DataOwnerPtrList | Manage list of SUIT_DataOwnerPtr |
SUIT_DataSearcher | |
SUIT_Desktop | |
ReparentEvent | |
SUIT_ExceptionHandler | |
SUIT_FileDlg | An extension of the Qt Open/Save file dialog box |
SUIT_FileValidator | Provides functionality to check the file or directory existance and permissions |
SUIT_ItemDelegate | An SUIT_DataObject-based item delegate class |
SUIT_LicenseDlg | |
SUIT_MessageBox | Message dialog box for SUIT-based application |
ButtonInfo | |
SUIT_Operation | Base class for all operations |
SUIT_OverrideCursor | Class used for management cursors |
SUIT_PopupClient | |
Signal | |
SUIT_PreferenceMgr | |
SUIT_ProxyModel | Proxy model which can be used above the SUIT_TreeModel class to enable custom sorting/filtering of the data |
SUIT_ResourceMgr | |
SUIT_SelectionFilter | |
SUIT_SelectionMgr | |
SUIT_Selector | |
Destroyer | |
SUIT_Session | |
SUIT_ShortcutMgr | Class which manages shortcuts customization |
SUIT_Study | |
SUIT_Tools | |
SUIT_TreeModel | Implementation of the model/view API based on the tree of SUIT_DataObject class instances |
ColumnInfo | |
TreeItem | Internal class used for tree view synchronizaton with data object tree |
TreeSync | Functor class for synchronizing data tree and tree model when the data tree is changed outside the model |
SUIT_ViewManager | |
Class | |
SUIT_ViewModel | |
SUIT_ViewWindow | |
SUITApp_Application | |
SUITApp_Session | |
SVTK_Actor | This class used for internal SVTK package purpose (highlight and prehighlight) |
SVTK_AreaPicker | Rectangular picker class |
SVTK_AxisWidget | |
SVTK_ComboAction | |
SVTK_ControllerIncrement | Control the value of increment in arithmetic progression mode |
SVTK_ControllerOnKeyDown | Control the behaviour of KeyDown event in SALOME way |
SVTK_CubeAxesActor2D | |
SVTK_CubeAxesDlg | |
AxisWidget | Axis tab widget of the "Graduated axis" dialog box |
SVTK_DeviceActor | |
SVTK_FontWidget | |
SVTK_GenericRenderWindowInteractor | |
SVTK_GeomControllerIncrement | Control the value of increment in geometric progression mode |
SVTK_ImageWriter | |
SVTK_ImageWriterMgr | |
SVTK_InteractorStyle | Introduce SALOME way of user interaction |
SVTK_KeyFreeInteractorStyle | Introduce new style of interaction (keyboard free) |
SVTK_NonIsometricDlg | |
SVTK_Prs | |
SVTK_PsOptionsDlg | |
SVTK_Recorder | |
SVTK_RecorderDlg | |
SVTK_Renderer | |
SVTK_RenderWindowInteractor | Extends QVTK_RenderWindowInteractor functionality |
SVTK_SelectionEvent | The structure is used for passing all infromation necessary for claculation of the selection |
SVTK_Selector | Define an abstract interface for selection in SVTK package |
SVTK_SelectorDef | |
TIndexedMapOfInteger | |
TIOLessThan | |
SVTK_SetRotationPointDlg | |
SVTK_SignalHandler | Main purpose of the class is to provide a way to customize SVTK_ViewWindow |
SVTK_SpaceMouse | |
MoveEvent | |
SVTK_SpaceMouseXCB | |
SVTK_Trihedron | |
SVTK_UpdateRateDlg | |
SVTK_View | This class is introduced just for compatibility with old code |
SVTK_Viewer | Extends two interfaces SVTK_ViewModelBase and SALOME_View |
SVTK_ViewManager | Extend SUIT_ViewManager to deal with SVTK_Viewer |
SVTK_ViewModelBase | To define minimal interface for SVTK_ViewWindow initialization |
SVTK_ViewParameterDlg | |
SVTK_ViewWindow | Define a container for SALOME VTK view window |
TActionEvent | |
TActionIdEvent | |
TActivateModuleEvent | |
TActivateView | |
TActivateViewManagerAndView | |
TAddGlobalPrefEvent | |
TAddPrefEvent | |
TAddPrefParamEvent | |
TCloneView | |
TCloseView | |
TCreateActionEvent | |
TCreateActionGroupEvent | |
TCreateEmptyObjectEvent | |
TCreateMenuEvent | |
TCreateObjectEvent | |
TCreateSepEvent | |
TCreateToolEvent | |
TCreateView | |
TCreateViewWg | |
TDefMenuGroupEvent | |
TDeleteCurve | |
TdisableSelectorEvent | |
TDisplayCurve | |
TDumpViewEvent | |
TEnableSelectorEvent | |
TEraseCurve | |
TEvent | |
TFindViews | |
TFitRangeByCurves | |
TFitRangeCurrent | |
TGetActiveComponentEvent | |
TGetActivePyModuleEvent | |
TGetActiveStudyIdEvent | |
TGetActiveStudyNameEvent | |
TGetActiveView | |
TGetBoolSettingEvent | |
TGetByteArraySettingEvent | |
TGetChildrenEvent | |
TGetColorEvent | |
TGetColorSettingEvent | |
TGetComponentNameEvent | |
TGetConstantEvent | |
TGetDblSettingEvent | |
TGetDesktopEvent | |
TGetExistingDirectoryEvent | |
TGetFileNameEvent | |
TGetIntSettingEvent | |
TGetMainFrameEvent | |
TGetMainMenuBarEvent | |
TGetNameEvent | |
TGetObjectBrowserEvent | |
TGetObjectPositionEvent | |
TGetOpenFileNamesEvent | |
TGetPlot2dTitle | |
TGetPopupMenuEvent | |
TGetRefEvent | |
TGetRendererEvent | |
TGetRenderWindowEvent | |
TGetRenderWindowInteractorEvent | |
TGetSelectedEvent | |
TGetSelectionEvent | |
TGetSettingEvent | |
TGetStrSettingEvent | |
TGetStudyIdEvent | |
TGetToolTipEvent | |
TGetViewParameters | |
TGetViews | |
TGetViewTitle | |
TGetViewType | |
TGetViewWidget | |
TGetVisibilityStateEvent | |
TGroupAllViews | |
THasDesktopEvent | |
THasSettingEvent | |
TIsInViewerEvent | |
TIsModifiedEvent | |
TIsViewClosable | |
TIsViewVisible | |
TLoadIconEvent | |
TMemFun1ArgEvent | Template class for event which calls the function with one argument and returning result |
TMemFun2ArgEvent | Template class for event which calls the function with two arguments and returning result |
TMemFunEvent | Template class for event which calls the function without arguments and returning result |
TMoveView | |
TNeighbourViews | |
ToolsGUI | Utility class |
ToolsGUI_CatalogGeneratorDlg | A dialog box which allows converting the IDL files to the XML description |
ToolsGUI_RegWidget | SALOME Registry tool window |
TParametersEvent | |
TPlot2dFitRange | |
TPrefPropEvent | |
TPutInfoEvent | |
TreeGuiManager | |
TreeItem | |
TreeModel | |
TreeObserver | |
TreeView | |
TRemoveChildEvent | |
TRemoveObjectEvent | |
TSetColorEvent | |
TSetIconEvent | |
TSetNameEvent | |
TSetPlot2dTitle | |
TSetRefEvent | |
TSetSelectionEvent | |
TSetToolTipEvent | |
TSetViewSize | |
TSetViewTitle | |
TSplitView | |
TUpdateAction | |
TVoidMemFun1ArgEvent | Template class for event which calls the function with one argument and without return value |
TVoidMemFun2ArgEvent | Template class for event which calls the function with two arguments and without return value |
TVoidMemFunEvent | Template class for event which calls the function without arguments and without return value |
Vec | |
viewAspect | |
ViewerData_AISShape | |
ViewerTools_AxisWidgetBase | |
ViewerTools_CubeAxesDlgBase | |
ViewerTools_DialogBase | |
ViewerTools_FontWidgetBase | |
vtkAbstractPropPicker | For more information see VTK documentation |
vtkActor2D | |
vtkAppendFilter | |
vtkCellCenters | |
vtkCommand | |
vtkCubeAxesActor2D | |
vtkDataSetMapper | |
vtkFollower | |
vtkGenericRenderWindowInteractor | |
vtkGeometryFilter | |
vtkIntArray | |
vtkInteractorObserver | |
vtkInteractorStyle | |
vtkLODActor | For more information see VTK documentation |
vtkObject | |
vtkOpenGLPolyDataMapper | |
vtkOpenGLRenderer | |
vtkOpenGLTexture | |
vtkOutputWindow | |
vtkProp3D | |
vtkRenderWindowInteractor | |
vtkShrinkFilter | |
vtkTransform | |
vtkTransformFilter | |
vtkUnstructuredGridAlgorithm | For more information see VTK documentation |
VTKViewer_Actor | |
VTKViewer_AppendFilter | This class used same as vtkAppendFilter. See documentation on VTK for more information |
VTKViewer_ArcBuilder | |
VTKViewer_Axis | |
VTKViewer_CellCenters | |
VTKViewer_CellLocationsArray | |
VTKViewer_DataSetMapper | |
VTKViewer_DelaunayTriangulator | |
VTKViewer_ExtractUnstructuredGrid | |
VTKViewer_Filter | |
VTKViewer_FramedTextActor | |
VTKViewer_GeometryFilter | This class used same as vtkGeometryFilter. See documentation on VTK for more information |
VTKViewer_InteractorStyle | |
VTKViewer_LineActor | |
VTKViewer_MarkerDlg | Dialog for specifying of point marker parameters |
VTKViewer_MarkerWidget | Widget for specifying point marker parameters |
VTKViewer_OpenGLHelper | |
VTKViewer_OpenGLRenderer | |
VTKViewer_OrderedTriangulator | |
VTKViewer_PolyDataMapper | OpenGL Point Sprites PolyData Mapper |
Locations | |
VTKViewer_RenderWindow | |
VTKViewer_RenderWindowInteractor | |
VTKViewer_ShrinkFilter | |
VTKViewer_Texture | |
VTKViewer_Transform | Describes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix |
VTKViewer_TransformFilter | |
VTKViewer_Triangulator | |
VTKViewer_Trihedron | |
VTKViewer_UnScaledActor | |
VTKViewer_Viewer | |
VTKViewer_ViewManager | |
VTKViewer_ViewWindow | |
VTKViewer_XAxis | X Axis actor |
VTKViewer_YAxis | Y Axis actor |
VTKViewer_ZAxis | Z Axis actor |
XYZ | |