Version: 8.3.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2006-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
2 //
3 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7 //
8 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 //
17 // See or email :
18 //
20 //#define REFCNT
21 //
22 #ifdef REFCNT
23 #define private public
24 #define protected public
25 #include <omniORB4/CORBA.h>
26 #include <omniORB4/internal/typecode.h>
27 #endif
29 #include "RuntimeSALOME.hxx"
30 #include "CORBANode.hxx"
31 #include "CORBAComponent.hxx"
32 #include "SalomeComponent.hxx"
33 #include "CORBAPorts.hxx"
34 #include "OutputDataStreamPort.hxx"
35 #include "CalStreamPort.hxx"
36 #include "InPort.hxx"
37 #include "TypeCode.hxx"
38 #include "AutoLocker.hxx"
41 #include "SALOME_NamingService.hxx"
42 #include "SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA.hxx"
43 #include "SALOME_Exception.hh"
44 #endif
46 #include <omniORB4/CORBA.h>
47 #include <omniORB4/minorCode.h>
48 #include <iostream>
49 #include <set>
50 #include <list>
52 //#define _DEVDEBUG_
53 #include "YacsTrace.hxx"
55 using namespace YACS::ENGINE;
56 using namespace std;
58 const char CORBANode::IMPL_NAME[]="CORBA";
59 const char CORBANode::KIND[]="CORBA";
61 std::string CORBANode::getKind() const
62 {
63  return KIND;
64 }
67 CORBANode::CORBANode(const std::string& name): ServiceNode(name)
68 {
70 }
72 CORBANode::CORBANode(const CORBANode& other,ComposedNode *father):ServiceNode(other,father)
73 {
75 }
79 {
80  YACSTRACE(1, "+++++++++++++ CorbaNode::execute: " << getName() << " +++++++++++++++" );
81  {
82  //DII request building :
83  // a service gets all its in parameters first
84  // then all its out parameters
85  // no inout parameters
86  // the return value (if any) is the first out parameter
87  // not yet user exception (only CORBA exception)
89  CORBA::Object_var objComponent=((CORBAComponent*)_component)->getCompoPtr();
90  CORBA::Request_var req = objComponent->_request(_method.c_str());
91  CORBA::NVList_ptr arguments = req->arguments() ;
93  DEBTRACE( "+++++++++++++++++CorbaNode::inputs+++++++++++++++++" )
94  int in_param=0;
95  //in parameters
96  list<InputPort *>::iterator iter2;
97  for(iter2 = _setOfInputPort.begin(); iter2 != _setOfInputPort.end(); iter2++)
98  {
99  InputCorbaPort *p=(InputCorbaPort *)*iter2;
100  DEBTRACE( "port name: " << p->getName() )
101  DEBTRACE( "port kind: " << p->edGetType()->kind() )
102  CORBA::Any* ob=p->getAny();
103 #ifdef _DEVDEBUG_
104  CORBA::TypeCode_var typcod= ob->type();
105  switch(p->edGetType()->kind())
106  {
107  case Double:
108  CORBA::Double d;
109  *ob >>= d;
110  DEBTRACE( d )
111  break;
112  case Int:
113  CORBA::Long l;
114  *ob >>= l;
115  DEBTRACE( l )
116  break;
117  case String:
118  const char *s;
119  *ob >>= s;
120  DEBTRACE( s )
121  break;
122  case Bool:
123  CORBA::Boolean b;
124  if(*ob >>= CORBA::Any::to_boolean(b))
125  DEBTRACE( b )
126  else
127  DEBTRACE( "not a boolean" )
128  break;
129  case Objref:
130  DEBTRACE( typcod->id() )
131  break;
132  default:
133  break;
134  }
135 #endif
136  //add_value makes a copy of any (*ob). This copy will be deleted with the request
137  arguments->add_value( p->getName().c_str() , *ob , CORBA::ARG_IN ) ;
138  in_param=in_param+1;
139  }
141  //output parameters
142  DEBTRACE( "+++++++++++++++++CorbaNode::outputs+++++++++++++++++" )
143  list<OutputPort *>::iterator iter;
144  for(iter = _setOfOutputPort.begin(); iter != _setOfOutputPort.end(); iter++)
145  {
147  DEBTRACE( "port name: " << p->getName() )
148  DEBTRACE( "port kind: " << p->edGetType()->kind() )
149  CORBA::Any* ob=p->getAnyOut();
150 #ifdef REFCNT
151  DEBTRACE("refcount CORBA : " << ((omni::TypeCode_base*)ob->>pd_ref_count);
152 #endif
153  //add_value makes a copy of any. Copy will be deleted with request
154  arguments->add_value( p->getName().c_str() , *ob , CORBA::ARG_OUT );
155 #ifdef REFCNT
156  DEBTRACE("refcount CORBA : " << ((omni::TypeCode_base*)ob->>pd_ref_count);
157 #endif
158  delete ob;
159  }
161  //return value
162  req->set_return_type(CORBA::_tc_void);
164  DEBTRACE( "+++++++++++++++++CorbaNode::calculation+++++++++++++++++" << _method )
165  req->invoke();
166  CORBA::Exception *exc =req->env()->exception();
167  if( exc )
168  {
169  DEBTRACE( "An exception was thrown!" )
170  DEBTRACE( "The raised exception is of Type:" << exc->_name() )
172  std::cerr << "The raised exception is of Type:" << exc->_name() << std::endl;
173  /*
174  if(strcmp(exc->_name(),"MARSHAL") == 0)
175  {
176  const char* ms = ((CORBA::MARSHAL*)exc)->NP_minorString();
177  if (ms)
178  std::cerr << "(CORBA::MARSHAL: minor = " << ms << ")" << std::endl;
179  else
180  std::cerr << "(CORBA::MARSHAL: minor = " << ((CORBA::MARSHAL*)exc)->minor() << ")" << std::endl;
181  }
182  */
183  _errorDetails="Execution problem: the raised exception is of Type:";
184  _errorDetails += exc->_name();
185  throw Exception("Execution problem");
186  }
188  DEBTRACE( "++++++++++++CorbaNode::outputs++++++++++++" )
189  int out_param=in_param;
190  for(iter = _setOfOutputPort.begin(); iter != _setOfOutputPort.end(); iter++)
191  {
193  DEBTRACE( "port name: " << p->getName() )
194  DEBTRACE( "port kind: " << p->edGetType()->kind() )
195  DEBTRACE( "port number: " << out_param )
196  CORBA::Any *ob=arguments->item(out_param)->value();
197 #ifdef REFCNT
198  DEBTRACE("refcount CORBA : " << ((omni::TypeCode_base*)ob->>pd_ref_count);
199 #endif
200 #ifdef _DEVDEBUG_
201  CORBA::TypeCode_var tc=ob->type();
202  switch(p->edGetType()->kind())
203  {
204  case Double:
205  CORBA::Double d;
206  *ob >>= d;
207  DEBTRACE( d )
208  break;
209  case Int:
210  CORBA::Long l;
211  *ob >>= l;
212  DEBTRACE( l )
213  break;
214  case String:
215  const char *s;
216  *ob >>= s;
217  DEBTRACE( s )
218  break;
219  case Objref:
220  DEBTRACE( tc->id() )
221  break;
222  default:
223  break;
224  }
225 #endif
226  //OutputPort must copy the input Any(ob).
227  //This Any will be deleted with the request.
228  //Copy is made by the method put.
229  p->put(ob);
230  out_param=out_param+1;
231 #ifdef REFCNT
232  DEBTRACE("refcount CORBA : " << ((omni::TypeCode_base*)ob->>pd_ref_count);
233 #endif
234  }
235  DEBTRACE( "++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++" )
236  }
237  //Request has been deleted (_var )
238  //All anys given to the request are deleted : don't forget to copy them
239  //if you want to keep them
240 #ifdef REFCNT
241  list<OutputPort *>::const_iterator iter;
242  for(iter = _setOfOutputPort.begin(); iter != _setOfOutputPort.end(); iter++)
243  {
245  CORBA::Any *ob=p->getAny();
246  DEBTRACE("refcount CORBA : " << ((omni::TypeCode_base*)ob->>pd_ref_count);
247  }
248 #endif
249  DEBTRACE( "+++++++++++++++++ End CorbaNode::execute: " << getName() << " +++++++++++++++++" )
250 }
253 Node *CORBANode::simpleClone(ComposedNode *father, bool editionOnly) const
254 {
255  return new CORBANode(*this,father);
256 }
263 ServiceNode* CORBANode::createNode(const std::string& name)
264 {
266  CORBANode* node= new CORBANode(name);
267  node->setComponent(_component);
268  return node;
269 }
271 // SalomeNode Class
273 const char SalomeNode::KIND[]="Salome";
275 std::string SalomeNode::getKind() const
276 {
277  return KIND;
278 }
281 SalomeNode::SalomeNode(const std::string& name):ServiceNode(name)
282 {
284 }
286 SalomeNode::SalomeNode(const SalomeNode& other,ComposedNode *father):ServiceNode(other,father)
287 {
289 }
292 {
293 }
295 #ifdef DSC_PORTS
298 {
299  DEBTRACE( "SalomeNode::initService: "<<getName())
300  if(_setOfInputDataStreamPort.size() == 0 && _setOfOutputDataStreamPort.size() == 0)return;
302  CORBA::Object_var objComponent=((SalomeComponent*)_component)->getCompoPtr();
303  Engines::Superv_Component_var compo=Engines::Superv_Component::_narrow(objComponent);
304  if( CORBA::is_nil(compo) )
305  {
306  std::string msg="Can't get reference to DSC object (or it was nil).";
307  _errorDetails=msg;
308  throw Exception(msg);
309  }
310  try
311  {
312  if (!_multi_port_node)
313  {
314  CORBA::Boolean ret=compo->init_service(_method.c_str());
315  if(!ret)
316  {
317  _errorDetails="Problem with component '"+_ref+"' in init_service of service '"+ _method + "'";
318  throw Exception(_errorDetails);
319  }
320  //Should check that component port types are the same as those declared in the xml file
321  }
322  else
323  {
324  CORBA::Boolean ret=compo->init_service_with_multiple(_method.c_str(), _param);
325  if(!ret)
326  {
327  _errorDetails="Problem with component '"+_ref+"' in init_service_with_multiple of service '"+ _method + "'";
328  throw Exception(_errorDetails);
329  }
330  }
331  }
332  catch(...)
333  {
334  _errorDetails="Problem with component '"+_ref+"' in init_service of service '"+ _method + "'";
335  throw;
336  }
337 }
339 void
340 SalomeNode::addDatastreamPortToInitMultiService(const std::string & port_name, int number)
341 {
342  int index = _param.length();
343  _param.length(index + 1);
344  _param[index].name = CORBA::string_dup(port_name.c_str());
345  _param[index].number = number;
346 }
350 {
351  DEBTRACE( "SalomeNode::connectService: "<<getName());
352  if(_setOfOutputDataStreamPort.size() == 0)return;
354  CORBA::Object_var objComponent=((SalomeComponent*)_component)->getCompoPtr();
355  SALOME_NamingService NS(getSALOMERuntime()->getOrb()) ;
356  SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA LCC(&NS) ;
357  CORBA::Object_var obj = NS.Resolve("/ConnectionManager");
358  Engines::ConnectionManager_var manager=Engines::ConnectionManager::_narrow(obj);
359  Engines::Superv_Component_var me=Engines::Superv_Component::_narrow(objComponent);
360  if( CORBA::is_nil(me) )
361  {
362  std::string msg="Can't get reference to Engines::Superv_Component: "+getName();
363  _errorDetails=msg;
364  throw Exception(msg);
365  }
366  std::list<OutputDataStreamPort *>::iterator iter;
367  Engines::ConnectionManager::connectionId id;
368  for(iter = _setOfOutputDataStreamPort.begin(); iter != _setOfOutputDataStreamPort.end(); iter++)
369  {
371  std::set<InPort *> ports=port->edSetInPort();
372  std::set<InPort *>::iterator iterout;
373  for(iterout=ports.begin();iterout != ports.end(); iterout++)
374  {
375  //It's only possible to connect 2 SalomeNode : try to get a SalomeNode
376  SalomeNode* snode= dynamic_cast<SalomeNode*>((*iterout)->getNode());
377  if(snode == 0) //don't connect, it's not a SalomeNode
378  {
379  std::string msg="Can't connect : not a SalomeNode";
380  _errorDetails=msg;
381  throw Exception(msg);
382  }
384  CORBA::Object_var comp=((SalomeComponent*)snode->getComponent())->getCompoPtr();
385  if( CORBA::is_nil(comp))
386  {
387  std::string msg="Problem in connectService: " + snode->getName();
388  msg=msg+" Component is probably not launched. Modify your YACS file";
389  _errorDetails=msg;
390  throw Exception(msg);
391  }
393  Engines::Superv_Component_var other=Engines::Superv_Component::_narrow(comp);
394  if( CORBA::is_nil(other))
395  {
396  std::string msg="Can't connect to nil Engines::Superv_Component: " + snode->getName();
397  _errorDetails=msg;
398  throw Exception(msg);
399  }
400  try
401  {
402  id=manager->connect(me,port->getName().c_str(),other,(*iterout)->getName().c_str());
403  }
404  catch(Engines::DSC::PortNotDefined& ex)
405  {
406  std::string msg="Problem in connectService. Unknown port: "+port->getName()+" or "+(*iterout)->getName();
407  _errorDetails=msg;
408  throw Exception(msg);
409  }
410  catch(Engines::DSC::BadPortType& ex)
411  {
412  std::string msg="Problem in connectService. Type of provides port is bad. Expected: ";
413  msg=msg +;
414  msg=msg + "Received: ";
415  _errorDetails=msg;
416  throw Exception(msg);
417  }
418  catch(Engines::DSC::NilPort& ex)
419  {
420  std::string msg="Problem in connectService. Port is nil: "+port->getName()+" or "+(*iterout)->getName();
421  _errorDetails=msg;
422  throw Exception(msg);
423  }
424  catch( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex )
425  {
426  std::string msg="Problem in connectService. ";
427  msg +=;
428  msg=msg+getName()+" " + port->getName() + " " + snode->getName() + " " + (*iterout)->getName();
429  _errorDetails=msg;
430  throw Exception(msg);
431  }
432  catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex)
433  {
434  DEBTRACE( "minor code: " << ex.minor() );
435  DEBTRACE( "completion code: " << ex.completed() );
436  std::string msg="Problem in connectService. CORBA System exception ";
437  std::string excname=ex._name();
438  msg=msg+excname + " " +getName()+" " + port->getName() + " " + snode->getName() + " " + (*iterout)->getName();
439  _errorDetails=msg;
440  throw Exception(msg);
441  }
442  catch(...)
443  {
444  std::string msg="Problem in connectService. Unknown exception";
445  msg=msg+getName()+" " + port->getName() + " " + snode->getName() + " " + (*iterout)->getName();
446  _errorDetails=msg;
447  throw Exception(msg);
448  }
449  DEBTRACE("Connected: " <<id<<" "<<getName()<<" "<<port->getName()<<" "<<snode->getName()<<" "<<(*iterout)->getName());
450  ids.push_back(id);
451  }
452  }
454  //Init component port properties
455  for(iter = _setOfOutputDataStreamPort.begin(); iter != _setOfOutputDataStreamPort.end(); iter++)
456  {
457  (*iter)->initPortProperties();
458  }
459  std::list<InputDataStreamPort *>::iterator iterin;
460  for(iterin = _setOfInputDataStreamPort.begin(); iterin != _setOfInputDataStreamPort.end(); iterin++)
461  {
462  (*iterin)->initPortProperties();
463  }
464 }
468 {
469  DEBTRACE( "SalomeNode::disconnectService: "<<getName());
470  // in some rare cases, disconnectService can be called from 2 different threads
473  if(ids.size() == 0)
474  return;
476  SALOME_NamingService NS(getSALOMERuntime()->getOrb()) ;
477  SALOME_LifeCycleCORBA LCC(&NS) ;
478  CORBA::Object_var obj = NS.Resolve("/ConnectionManager");
479  Engines::ConnectionManager_var manager=Engines::ConnectionManager::_narrow(obj);
480  std::list<Engines::ConnectionManager::connectionId>::iterator iter;
481  for(iter = ids.begin(); iter != ids.end(); iter++)
482  {
483  DEBTRACE("Trying to disconnect: " << *iter );
484  try
485  {
486  manager->disconnect(*iter,Engines::DSC::RemovingConnection);
487  }
488  catch(Engines::ConnectionManager::BadId& ex)
489  {
490  DEBTRACE( "Problem in disconnect: " << *iter );
491  }
492  catch(Engines::DSC::PortNotDefined& ex)
493  {
494  DEBTRACE( "Problem in disconnect: " << *iter );
495  }
496  catch(Engines::DSC::PortNotConnected& ex)
497  {
498  DEBTRACE( "Problem in disconnect: " << *iter );
499  }
500  catch(Engines::DSC::BadPortReference& ex)
501  {
502  DEBTRACE( "Problem in disconnect (Engines::DSC::BadPortReference): " << *iter );
503  }
504  catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex)
505  {
506  DEBTRACE( "Problem in disconnect (CORBA::SystemException): " << *iter );
507  }
508  catch(...)
509  {
510  DEBTRACE( "Problem in disconnect: " << *iter );
511  }
512  }
513  ids.clear();
514 }
517 {
519 }
521 #endif
525 {
526  YACSTRACE(1,"+++++++++++++++++ SalomeNode::execute: " << getName() << " " << _method << " +++++++++++++++++" );
527  {
528  CORBA::Object_var objComponent=((SalomeComponent*)_component)->getCompoPtr();
529  Engines::EngineComponent_var compo=Engines::EngineComponent::_narrow(objComponent);
531  // Set component properties
532  std::map<std::string,std::string> amap=getProperties();
533  if(amap.size() > 0)
534  {
535  Engines::FieldsDict_var dico = new Engines::FieldsDict;
536  dico->length(amap.size());
537  std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it;
538  int i=0;
539  for(it = amap.begin(); it != amap.end(); ++it)
540  {
541  dico[i].key=CORBA::string_dup(it->first.c_str());
542  dico[i].value <<=it->second.c_str();
543  i++;
544  }
545  compo->setProperties(dico);
546  }
548  //DII request building :
549  // a service gets all its in parameters first
550  // then all its out parameters
551  // no inout parameters
552  // the return value (if any) is the first out parameter
553  //
554  CORBA::Request_var req ;
555  try
556  {
557  req = objComponent->_request(_method.c_str());
558  }
559  catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex)
560  {
561  std::string msg="component '" +_ref+ "' has no service '" + _method+ "'";
562  _errorDetails=msg;
563  throw Exception(msg);
564  }
565  CORBA::NVList_ptr arguments = req->arguments() ;
567  DEBTRACE( "+++++++++++++++++SalomeNode::inputs+++++++++++++++++" );
568  int in_param=0;
569  //in parameters
570  list<InputPort *>::iterator iter2;
571  for(iter2 = _setOfInputPort.begin(); iter2 != _setOfInputPort.end(); iter2++)
572  {
573  InputCorbaPort *p=(InputCorbaPort *)*iter2;
574  if(p->edGetType()->isA(Runtime::_tc_file))
575  continue;
576  DEBTRACE( "port name: " << p->getName() );
577  DEBTRACE( "port kind: " << p->edGetType()->kind() );
578  CORBA::Any* ob=p->getAny();
579 #ifdef _DEVDEBUG_
580  CORBA::TypeCode_var tc=ob->type();
581  switch(p->edGetType()->kind())
582  {
583  case Double:
584  CORBA::Double d;
585  *ob >>= d;
586  DEBTRACE( d )
587  break;
588  case Int:
589  CORBA::Long l;
590  *ob >>= l;
591  DEBTRACE( l )
592  break;
593  case String:
594  const char *s;
595  *ob >>= s;
596  DEBTRACE( s )
597  break;
598  case Objref:
599  DEBTRACE( tc->id() )
600  break;
601  default:
602  break;
603  }
604 #endif
605  //add_value makes a copy of any. Copy will be deleted with request
606  arguments->add_value( p->getName().c_str() , *ob , CORBA::ARG_IN ) ;
607  in_param=in_param+1;
608  }
609  //in files
610  int nfiles=0;
611  DEBTRACE("checkInputFilesToService: " << _method);
612  try
613  {
614  for(iter2 = _setOfInputPort.begin(); iter2 != _setOfInputPort.end(); iter2++)
615  {
616  InputCorbaPort *p=(InputCorbaPort *)*iter2;
617  if(!p->edGetType()->isA(Runtime::_tc_file))
618  continue;
619  std::string filename=p->getName();
620  // replace ':' by '.'. Needed because port name can not contain '.'
621  string::size_type debut =filename.find_first_of(':',0);
622  while(debut != std::string::npos)
623  {
624  filename[debut]='.';
625  debut=filename.find_first_of(':',debut);
626  }
627  DEBTRACE( "inport with file: " << filename );
628  Engines::Salome_file_var isf=compo->setInputFileToService(_method.c_str(),p->getName().c_str());
629  isf->setDistributedFile(filename.c_str());
630  Engines::Salome_file_ptr osf;
631  CORBA::Any* any=p->getAny();
632  *any >>= osf;
633  isf->connect(osf);
634  nfiles++;
635  }
636  if(nfiles)
637  compo->checkInputFilesToService(_method.c_str());
638  }
639  catch( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex )
640  {
641  std::string text="Execution problem in checkInputFilesToService: ";
642  text += (const char*)ex.details.text;
643  _errorDetails=text;
644  throw Exception(text);
645  }
646  catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex)
647  {
648  std::string msg="Execution problem: component probably does not support files ??";
649  _errorDetails=msg;
650  throw Exception(msg);
651  }
653  //out parameters
654  DEBTRACE( "+++++++++++++++++SalomeNode::outputs+++++++++++++++++" )
655  list<OutputPort *>::iterator iter;
656  for(iter = _setOfOutputPort.begin(); iter != _setOfOutputPort.end(); iter++)
657  {
659  DEBTRACE( "port name: " << p->getName() )
660  DEBTRACE( "port kind: " << p->edGetType()->kind() )
661  if(p->edGetType()->isA(Runtime::_tc_file))
662  continue;
663  CORBA::Any* ob=p->getAnyOut();
664  //add_value makes a copy of any. Copy will be deleted with request
665  arguments->add_value( p->getName().c_str() , *ob , CORBA::ARG_OUT );
666  delete ob;
667  }
669  //return value
670  //if return type is set to void (not mandatory, it's set by default)
671  //the return value will not be marshalled as a return value but
672  //as the first out argument (don't forget to add it as the first output argument)
673  req->set_return_type(CORBA::_tc_void);
674  //user exceptions
675  req->exceptions()->add(SALOME::_tc_SALOME_Exception);
677  DEBTRACE( "+++++++++++++++++SalomeNode::calculation+++++++++++++++++" << _method )
678  req->invoke();
679  CORBA::Exception *exc =req->env()->exception();
680  if( exc )
681  {
682  DEBTRACE( "An exception was thrown!" )
683  DEBTRACE( "The raised exception is of Type:" << exc->_name() )
685  CORBA::SystemException* sysexc;
686  sysexc=CORBA::SystemException::_downcast(exc);
687  if(sysexc != NULL)
688  {
689  // It's a SystemException
690  DEBTRACE( "minor code: " << sysexc->minor() );
691  DEBTRACE( "completion code: " << sysexc->completed() );
692  std::string text="Execution problem: ";
693  std::string excname=sysexc->_name();
694  if(excname == "BAD_OPERATION")
695  {
696  text=text+"component '" +_ref+ "' has no service '" + _method+ "'";
697  }
698  else if(excname == "BAD_PARAM")
699  {
700  text=text+"A parameter (input or output) passed to the call is out of range or otherwise considered illegal.\n";
701  text=text+"Minor code: "+sysexc->NP_minorString();
702  }
703  else if(excname == "MARSHAL" && sysexc->minor() == omni::MARSHAL_PassEndOfMessage)
704  {
705  text=text+"probably an error in arguments of service '" + _method + "' from component '" +_ref+ "'";
706  }
707  else if(excname == "COMM_FAILURE" && sysexc->minor() == omni::COMM_FAILURE_UnMarshalResults)
708  {
709  text=text+"probably an error in output arguments of service '" + _method + "' from component '" +_ref+ "'";
710  }
711  else if(excname == "COMM_FAILURE" && sysexc->minor() == omni::COMM_FAILURE_UnMarshalArguments)
712  {
713  text=text+"probably an error in input arguments of service '" + _method + "' from component '" +_ref+ "'";
714  }
715  else if(excname == "COMM_FAILURE" && sysexc->minor() == omni::COMM_FAILURE_WaitingForReply)
716  {
717  text=text+"probably an error in input arguments of service '" + _method + "' from component '" +_ref+ "'";
718  }
719  else
720  {
721  DEBTRACE(sysexc->NP_minorString() );
722  text=text+"System Exception "+ excname;
723  }
724  _errorDetails=text;
725  throw Exception(text);
726  }
728  // Not a System Exception
729  CORBA::UnknownUserException* userexc;
730  userexc=CORBA::UnknownUserException::_downcast(exc);
731  if(userexc != NULL)
732  {
733  CORBA::Any anyExcept = userexc->exception();
735  const SALOME::SALOME_Exception* salexc;
736  if(anyExcept >>= salexc)
737  {
738  DEBTRACE("SALOME_Exception: "<< salexc->details.sourceFile);
739  DEBTRACE("SALOME_Exception: "<<salexc->details.lineNumber);
740  _errorDetails=salexc->details.text;
741  throw Exception("Execution problem: Salome Exception occurred" + getErrorDetails() );
742  }
743  std::string msg="Execution problem: User Exception occurred";
744  _errorDetails=msg;
745  throw Exception(msg);
746  }
747  std::string msg="Execution problem";
748  _errorDetails=msg;
749  throw Exception(msg);
750  }
752  DEBTRACE( "++++++++++++SalomeNode::outputs++++++++++++" )
753  int out_param=in_param;
754  for(iter = _setOfOutputPort.begin(); iter != _setOfOutputPort.end(); iter++)
755  {
757  DEBTRACE( "port name: " << p->getName() );
758  DEBTRACE( "port kind: " << p->edGetType()->kind() );
759  DEBTRACE( "port number: " << out_param );
760  if(p->edGetType()->isA(Runtime::_tc_file))
761  continue;
762  CORBA::Any *ob=arguments->item(out_param)->value();
763 #ifdef _DEVDEBUG_
764  switch(p->edGetType()->kind())
765  {
766  case Double:
767  CORBA::Double d;
768  *ob >>= d;
769  DEBTRACE( d )
770  break;
771  case Int:
772  CORBA::Long l;
773  *ob >>= l;
774  DEBTRACE( l )
775  break;
776  case String:
777  const char *s;
778  *ob >>= s;
779  DEBTRACE( s )
780  break;
781  default:
782  break;
783  }
784 #endif
785  //OutputPort must copy the input Any(ob).
786  //This Any will be deleted with the request.
787  //Copy is made by the method put.
788  p->put(ob);
789  out_param=out_param+1;
790  }
792  //Out files
793  nfiles=0;
794  DEBTRACE("checkOutputFilesToService: " << _method);
795  try
796  {
797  for(iter = _setOfOutputPort.begin(); iter != _setOfOutputPort.end(); iter++)
798  {
800  if(!p->edGetType()->isA(Runtime::_tc_file))
801  continue;
802  // The output port has a file object : special treatment
803  std::string filename=p->getName();
804  // replace ':' by '.'. Needed because port name can not contain '.'
805  string::size_type debut =filename.find_first_of(':',0);
806  while(debut != std::string::npos)
807  {
808  filename[debut]='.';
809  debut=filename.find_first_of(':',debut);
810  }
811  DEBTRACE( "outport with file: " << filename );
812  Engines::Salome_file_var osf=compo->setOutputFileToService(_method.c_str(),p->getName().c_str());
813  osf->setLocalFile(filename.c_str());
814  CORBA::Any any;
815  any <<= osf;
816  p->put(&any);
817  }
818  if(nfiles)
819  compo->checkOutputFilesToService(_method.c_str());
820  }
821  catch( const SALOME::SALOME_Exception& ex )
822  {
823  std::string text=(const char*)ex.details.text;
824  _errorDetails=text;
825  throw Exception("Execution problem in checkOutputFilesToService: " + text);
826  }
827  catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex)
828  {
829  std::string msg="Execution problem: component probably does not support files ?";
830  _errorDetails=msg;
831  throw Exception(msg);
832  }
833  }
834  //Request has been deleted (_var )
835  //All anys given to the request are deleted : don't forget to copy them
836  //if you want to keep them
837  DEBTRACE( "+++++++++++++++++ End SalomeNode::execute: " << getName() << " +++++++++++++++++" )
838 }
840 Node *SalomeNode::simpleClone(ComposedNode *father, bool editionOnly) const
841 {
842  return new SalomeNode(*this,father);
843 }
850 ServiceNode* SalomeNode::createNode(const std::string& name)
851 {
852  SalomeNode* node=new SalomeNode(name);
853  node->setComponent(_component);
854  return node;
855 }
858 {
859  std::string msg="Component is not loaded";
860  try
861  {
862  CORBA::Object_var objComponent=((SalomeComponent*)_component)->getCompoPtr();
863  Engines::EngineComponent_var compo=Engines::EngineComponent::_narrow(objComponent);
864  if( !CORBA::is_nil(compo) )
865  {
866  Engines::Container_var cont= compo->GetContainerRef();
867  CORBA::String_var logname = cont->logfilename();
868  DEBTRACE(logname);
869  msg=logname;
870  std::string::size_type pos = msg.find(":");
871  msg=msg.substr(pos+1);
872  }
873  }
874  catch(CORBA::COMM_FAILURE& ex)
875  {
876  msg = ":Component no longer reachable: Caught system exception COMM_FAILURE";
877  msg += " -- unable to contact the object.";
878  }
879  catch(CORBA::SystemException& ex)
880  {
881  msg = ":Component no longer reachable: Caught a CORBA::SystemException.\n";
882  CORBA::Any tmp;
883  tmp <<= ex;
884  CORBA::TypeCode_var tc = tmp.type();
885  const char *p = tc->name();
886  if ( *p != '\0' )
887  msg += p;
888  else
889  msg += tc->id();
890  }
891  catch(CORBA::Exception& ex)
892  {
893  msg = ":Component no longer reachable: Caught CORBA::Exception.\n";
894  CORBA::Any tmp;
895  tmp <<= ex;
896  CORBA::TypeCode_var tc = tmp.type();
897  const char *p = tc->name();
898  if ( *p != '\0' )
899  msg += p;
900  else
901  msg += tc->id();
902  }
903  catch(omniORB::fatalException& fe)
904  {
905  msg = ":Component no longer reachable: Caught omniORB::fatalException.\n";
906  stringstream log;
907  log << " file: " << fe.file() << endl;
908  log << " line: " << fe.line() << endl;
909  log << " mesg: " << fe.errmsg() << endl;
910  msg += log.str();
911  }
912  catch(...)
913  {
914  msg = ":Component no longer reachable: Caught unknown exception.";
915  }
916  return msg;
917 }
919 void SalomeNode::shutdown(int level)
920 {
921  DEBTRACE("SalomeNode::shutdown " << level);
922  if(_component)
923  _component->shutdown(level);
924 }