Version: 8.3.0
MED_Structures.hxx File Reference
#include "MED_Common.hxx"
#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
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Data Structures

struct  MED::TBase
 Define a parent class for all MEDWrapper classes. More...
struct  MED::TNameInfo
 Define a parent class for all named MED entities. More...
struct  MED::TModeSwitchInfo
 Define a parent class for all MED entities that contains a sequence of numbers. More...
struct  MED::TMeshInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED Mesh entity. More...
struct  MED::TFamilyInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED Family entity. More...
struct  MED::TElemInfo
 Define a parent class for all MED entities that describes mesh entites such as nodes and cells. More...
struct  MED::TNodeInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED Nodes entity. More...
struct  MED::TCellInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED Cells entity. More...
struct  MED::TPolygoneInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED Polygon entity. More...
struct  MED::TBallInfo
 Define a class representing MED_BALL structure element. More...
struct  MED::TPolyedreInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED Polyedre entity. More...
struct  MED::TFieldInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED Field entity. More...
struct  MED::TGaussInfo
 The class represents MED Gauss entity. More...
struct  MED::TGaussInfo::TLess
struct  MED::TTimeStampInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED TimeStamp. More...
struct  MED::TProfileInfo
 The class represents MED Profile entity. More...
struct  MED::TMeshValueBase
 The class is a helper one. It provide safe and flexible way to get access to values for a MED TimeStamp. More...
struct  MED::TTMeshValue< TValueType >
 The class is a helper one. It provide safe and flexible way to get access to values for a MED TimeStamp. More...
struct  MED::TTimeStampValueBase
 The class is a base class for MED TimeStamp values holder. More...
struct  MED::TTimeStampValue< TMeshValueType >
 The class implements a container for MED TimeStamp values. More...
struct  MED::TGrilleInfo
 Define a base class which represents MED Grille (structured mesh) More...


namespace  MED


typedef TVector< char > MED::TString
 Defines a type for managing sequence of strings. More...
typedef SharedPtr< TString > MED::PString
typedef TSlice< TInt > MED::TIntVecSlice
typedef TCSlice< TInt > MED::TCIntVecSlice
typedef TIntVector MED::TFamAttr
typedef TIntVector MED::TElemNum
typedef SharedPtr< TElemNum > MED::PElemNum
typedef TSlice< TFloat > MED::TFloatVecSlice
typedef TCSlice< TFloat > MED::TCFloatVecSlice
typedef TFloatVector MED::TNodeCoord
typedef SharedPtr< TNodeCoord > MED::PNodeCoord
typedef TFloatVecSlice MED::TCoordSlice
typedef TCFloatVecSlice MED::TCCoordSlice
typedef TIntVecSlice MED::TConnSlice
typedef TCIntVecSlice MED::TCConnSlice
typedef TVector< TCConnSlice > MED::TCConnSliceArr
typedef TVector< TConnSlice > MED::TConnSliceArr
typedef TFloatVector MED::TWeight
typedef std::map
< EGeometrieElement,
PGaussInfo > 
typedef std::map
< EGeometrieElement, TInt > 
typedef TTMeshValue< TFloatVector > MED::TFloatMeshValue
typedef TTMeshValue< TIntVector > MED::TIntMeshValue
typedef TFloatVector MED::TValue
typedef TSlice< TFloat > MED::TValueSlice
typedef TCSlice< TFloat > MED::TCValueSlice
typedef TVector< TCValueSlice > MED::TCValueSliceArr
typedef TVector< TValueSlice > MED::TValueSliceArr
typedef TFloatMeshValue MED::TMeshValue
typedef std::map
< EGeometrieElement,
TMeshValue > 
typedef std::map
< EGeometrieElement,
PProfileInfo > 
typedef std::set
< EGeometrieElement > 
typedef TTimeStampValue
< TFloatMeshValue > 
typedef SharedPtr
< TFloatTimeStampValue > 
typedef TTimeStampValue
< TIntMeshValue > 
typedef SharedPtr
< TIntTimeStampValue > 
typedef TFloatTimeStampValue MED::TTimeStampVal
typedef PFloatTimeStampValue MED::PTimeStampVal
typedef std::map< TInt,
TFloatVector > 
typedef std::map< TInt, TString > MED::TNames


std::string MED::GetString (TInt theId, TInt theStep, const TString &theString)
 Extract a substring from the sequence of the strings. More...
void MED::SetString (TInt theId, TInt theStep, TString &theString, const std::string &theValue)
 Set a substring in the sequence of the strings. More...
void MED::SetString (TInt theId, TInt theStep, TString &theString, const TString &theValue)
 Set a substring in the sequence of the strings. More...
TInt MED::GetDimGaussCoord (EGeometrieElement theGeom)
 Get dimension of the Gauss coordinates for the defined type of mesh cell. More...
TInt MED::GetNbRefCoord (EGeometrieElement theGeom)
 Get number of referenced nodes for the defined type of mesh cell. More...
PFloatTimeStampValue MED::CastToFloatTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampValueBase &theTimeStampValue)
PIntTimeStampValue MED::CastToIntTimeStampValue (const PTimeStampValueBase &theTimeStampValue)
template<class TMeshValueTypeFrom , class TMeshValueTypeTo >
void MED::CopyTimeStampValue (SharedPtr< TTimeStampValue< TMeshValueTypeFrom > > theTimeStampValueFrom, SharedPtr< TTimeStampValue< TMeshValueTypeTo > > theTimeStampValueTo)
template<class TMeshValueType >
void MED::CopyTimeStampValue (SharedPtr< TTimeStampValue< TMeshValueType > > theTimeStampValueFrom, SharedPtr< TTimeStampValue< TMeshValueType > > theTimeStampValueTo)
void MED::CopyTimeStampValueBase (const PTimeStampValueBase &theValueFrom, const PTimeStampValueBase &theValueTo)