Version: 8.3.0
MED_Algorithm.cxx File Reference
#include "MED_Algorithm.hxx"
#include "MED_Wrapper.hxx"
#include "MED_Utilities.hxx"
Include dependency graph for MED_Algorithm.cxx:


namespace  MED


TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo MED::GetEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo (const PWrapper &theWrapper, const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const MED::TEntityInfo &theEntityInfo)
 Get set of TElemInfo by its geometrical type and corresponding MED ENTITY. More...
TFamilyInfoSet MED::GetFamilyInfoSet (const PWrapper &theWrapper, const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo)
 Read set of MED FAMILIES for defined MED file. More...
TGroupInfo MED::GetGroupInfo (const TFamilyInfoSet &theFamilyInfoSet)
 Split the input set of MED FAMILIES by corresponding MED GROUPS. More...
TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet MED::GetFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet (const PWrapper &theWrapper, const PMeshInfo &theMeshInfo, const MED::TEntityInfo &theEntityInfo)
 Read set of MED TIMESTAMPS groupped by corresponding MED FIELDS. More...
TEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet MED::GetEntite2TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet (const TFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet &theFieldInfo2TimeStampInfoSet)
 Split the input set of MED TIMESTAMPS by corresponding MED FIELDS and MED ENTITIES. More...
bool MED::operator< (const TFamilyTSize &theLeft, const TFamilyTSize &theRight)
TEntity2FamilySet MED::GetEntity2FamilySet (const PWrapper &theWrapper, const TEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo &theEntity2TGeom2ElemInfo, const TFamilyInfoSet &theFamilyInfoSet)
 Split set of MED FAMILIES by corresponding MED ENTITY. More...
TKey2Gauss MED::GetKey2Gauss (const PWrapper &theWrapper, TErr *theErr=NULL, EModeSwitch theMode=eFULL_INTERLACE)
 Read set of MED GAUSS. More...
PProfileInfo MED::GetProfileInfo (const PWrapper &theWrapper, const std::string &theProfileName, TErr *theErr=NULL, EModeProfil theMode=eCOMPACT)
 Get MED PROFILE by its name. More...
TMKey2Profile MED::GetMKey2Profile (const PWrapper &theWrapper, TErr *theErr=NULL, EModeProfil theMode=eCOMPACT)
 Read set of MED PROFILES. More...
EEntiteMaillage MED::GetEntityByFamilyId (PGrilleInfo &theInfo, TInt theId)
 Get Entity for Grille by family id. More...
TFamilyID2NbCells MED::GetFamilyID2NbCells (PGrilleInfo &theInfo)
 Get Number of cells for theId family, for Grille. More...
EEntiteMaillage MED::ConvertEntity (const EEntiteMaillage &aEntity)
 Convert eNOEUD_ELEMENT to eMAILLE. More...