Interface for groups creation.
GEOM_Object | CreateGroup (in GEOM_Object theMainShape, in long theShapeType) |
| Creates a new group which will store sub-shapes of theMainShape. More...
void | AddObject (in GEOM_Object theGroup, in long theSubShapeId) |
| Adds a sub-object with ID theSubShapeId to the group. More...
void | RemoveObject (in GEOM_Object theGroup, in long theSubShapeId) |
| Removes a sub-object with ID theSubShapeId from the group. More...
void | UnionList (in GEOM_Object theGroup, in ListOfGO theSubShapes) |
| Adds to the group all the given shapes. No errors, if some shapes are alredy included. More...
void | DifferenceList (in GEOM_Object theGroup, in ListOfGO theSubShapes) |
| Removes from the group all the given shapes. No errors, if some shapes are not included. More...
void | UnionIDs (in GEOM_Object theGroup, in ListOfLong theSubShapes) |
| Adds to the group all the given shapes. No errors, if some shapes are alredy included. More...
void | DifferenceIDs (in GEOM_Object theGroup, in ListOfLong theSubShapes) |
| Removes from the group all the given shapes. No errors, if some shapes are not included. More...
GEOM_Object | UnionGroups (in GEOM_Object theGroup1, in GEOM_Object theGroup2) |
| Union of two groups. New group is created. It will contain all entities which are present in groups theGroup1 and theGroup2. More...
GEOM_Object | IntersectGroups (in GEOM_Object theGroup1, in GEOM_Object theGroup2) |
| Intersection of two groups. New group is created. It will contain only those entities which are present in both groups theGroup1 and theGroup2. More...
GEOM_Object | CutGroups (in GEOM_Object theGroup1, in GEOM_Object theGroup2) |
| Cut of two groups. New group is created. It will contain entities which are present in group theGroup1 but are not present in group theGroup2. More...
GEOM_Object | UnionListOfGroups (in ListOfGO theGList) |
| Union of list of groups. New group is created. It will contain all entities that are present in groups listed in theGList. More...
GEOM_Object | IntersectListOfGroups (in ListOfGO theGList) |
| Intersection of list of groups. New group is created. It will contain only entities which are simultaneously present in the groups listed in theGList. More...
GEOM_Object | CutListOfGroups (in ListOfGO theGList1, in ListOfGO theGList2) |
| Cut of lists of groups. New group is created. It will contain only entities which are present in groups listed in theGList1 but are not present in groups from theGList2. More...
long | GetType (in GEOM_Object theGroup) |
| Returns a type of sub-objects stored in the group. More...
GEOM_Object | GetMainShape (in GEOM_Object theGroup) |
| Returns a main shape associated with the group. More...
ListOfLong | GetObjects (in GEOM_Object theGroup) |
| Returns a list of sub-objects ID stored in the group. More...
boolean | IsDone () |
| To know, if the operation was successfully performed. More...
void | SetErrorCode (in string theErrorID) |
| Set the operation error code. More...
string | GetErrorCode () |
| Get the operation error code. More...
long | GetStudyID () |
| Get ID of study, where the operation is defined. More...
void | StartOperation () |
| Opens a new transaction. More...
void | FinishOperation () |
| Closes the previously opened trasaction. More...
void | AbortOperation () |
| Aborts the previously opened transaction. More...