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MEDCoupling::MemArray< T > Member List

This is the complete list of members for MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >, including all inherited members.

alloc(std::size_t nbOfElements)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
CDeallocator(void *pt, void *param)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >static
CPPDeallocator(void *pt, void *param)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >static
Deallocator typedefMEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
destroy()MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
fillWithValue(const T &val)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
fromNoInterlace(int nbOfComp) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
getConstPointer() const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
getConstPointerLoc(std::size_t offset) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
getDeallocator() const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
getNbOfElem() const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
getNbOfElemAllocated() const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
getParameterForDeallocator() const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
getPointer()MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
insertAtTheEnd(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
isDeallocatorCalled() const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
isEqual(const MemArray< T > &other, T prec, std::string &reason) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
isNull() const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
MemArray()MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
MemArray(const MemArray< T > &other)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
operator=(const MemArray< T > &other)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
operator[](std::size_t id) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
operator[](std::size_t id)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
pack() const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
popBack()MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
pushBack(T elem)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
reAlloc(std::size_t newNbOfElements)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
repr(int sl, std::ostream &stream) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
reprHeader(int sl, std::ostream &stream) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
reprNotTooLong(int sl, std::ostream &stream) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
reprZip(int sl, std::ostream &stream) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
reserve(std::size_t newNbOfElements)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
reverse(int nbOfComp)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
setParameterForDeallocator(void *param)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
setSpecificDeallocator(Deallocator dealloc)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
sort(bool asc)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
toNoInterlace(int nbOfComp) const MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
useArray(const T *array, bool ownership, DeallocType type, std::size_t nbOfElem)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
useExternalArrayWithRWAccess(const T *array, std::size_t nbOfElem)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
writeOnPlace(std::size_t id, T element0, const T *others, std::size_t sizeOfOthers)MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >
~MemArray()MEDCoupling::MemArray< T >