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MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh:
Collaboration diagram for MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh:

Public Member Functions

std::string advancedRepr () const
MEDCouplingCurveLinearMeshbuildCurveLinear () const
MEDCouplingStructuredMeshbuildStructuredSubPart (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &cellPart) const
void checkConsistency (double eps=1e-12) const
void checkConsistencyLight () const
void checkDeepEquivalOnSameNodesWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int cellCompPol, double prec, DataArrayInt *&cellCor) const
void checkDeepEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int cellCompPol, double prec, DataArrayInt *&cellCor, DataArrayInt *&nodeCor) const
MEDCouplingCMeshclone (bool recDeepCpy) const
DataArrayDoublecomputeCellCenterOfMass () const
DataArrayDoublecomputeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell () const
void copyTinyStringsFrom (const MEDCouplingMesh *other)
MEDCouplingCMeshdeepCopy () const
void getBoundingBox (double *bbox) const
int getCellContainingPoint (const double *pos, double eps) const
void getCellsContainingPoint (const double *pos, double eps, std::vector< int > &elts) const
DataArrayDoublegetCoordinatesAndOwner () const
void getCoordinatesOfNode (int nodeId, std::vector< double > &coo) const
const DataArrayDoublegetCoordsAt (int i) const
DataArrayDoublegetCoordsAt (int i)
const DataArrayDoublegetDirectAccessOfCoordsArrIfInStructure () const
std::vector< const
BigMemoryObject * > 
getDirectChildrenWithNull () const
std::size_t getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren () const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublegetMeasureField (bool isAbs) const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublegetMeasureFieldOnNode (bool isAbs) const
void getNodeGridStructure (int *res) const
std::vector< int > getNodeGridStructure () const
int getSpaceDimension () const
void getTinySerializationInformation (std::vector< double > &tinyInfoD, std::vector< int > &tinyInfo, std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings) const
MEDCouplingMeshType getType () const
std::string getVTKFileExtension () const
bool isEqualIfNotWhy (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec, std::string &reason) const
bool isEqualWithoutConsideringStr (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
MEDCouplingMeshmergeMyselfWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other) const
void renumberCells (const int *old2NewBg, bool check=true)
void reprQuickOverview (std::ostream &stream) const
void resizeForUnserialization (const std::vector< int > &tinyInfo, DataArrayInt *a1, DataArrayDouble *a2, std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings) const
void rotate (const double *center, const double *vector, double angle)
void scale (const double *point, double factor)
void serialize (DataArrayInt *&a1, DataArrayDouble *&a2) const
void setCoords (const DataArrayDouble *coordsX, const DataArrayDouble *coordsY=0, const DataArrayDouble *coordsZ=0)
void setCoordsAt (int i, const DataArrayDouble *arr)
std::string simpleRepr () const
void translate (const double *vector)
void unserialization (const std::vector< double > &tinyInfoD, const std::vector< int > &tinyInfo, const DataArrayInt *a1, DataArrayDouble *a2, const std::vector< std::string > &littleStrings)
void updateTime () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingStructuredMesh
MEDCoupling1SGTUMeshbuild1SGTSubLevelMesh () const
MEDCoupling1SGTUMeshbuild1SGTUnstructured () const
MEDCouplingFieldDoublebuildOrthogonalField () const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPart (const int *start, const int *end) const
MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartAndReduceNodes (const int *start, const int *end, DataArrayInt *&arr) const
MEDCouplingUMeshbuildUnstructured () const
DataArrayIntcheckTypeConsistencyAndContig (const std::vector< int > &code, const std::vector< const DataArrayInt * > &idsPerType) const
DataArrayIntcomputeEffectiveNbOfNodesPerCell () const
DataArrayIntcomputeNbOfFacesPerCell () const
DataArrayIntcomputeNbOfNodesPerCell () const
double computeSquareness () const
void copyTinyStringsFrom (const MEDCouplingMesh *other)
< INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType
getAllGeoTypes () const
std::vector< int > getCellGridStructure () const
int getCellIdFromPos (int i, int j, int k) const
std::vector< int > getDistributionOfTypes () const
std::size_t getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren () const
std::vector< int > getLocationFromCellId (int cellId) const
std::vector< int > getLocationFromNodeId (int nodeId) const
int getMeshDimension () const
int getNodeIdFromPos (int i, int j, int k) const
void getNodeIdsOfCell (int cellId, std::vector< int > &conn) const
int getNumberOfCells () const
int getNumberOfCellsOfSubLevelMesh () const
int getNumberOfCellsWithType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type) const
int getNumberOfNodes () const
void getReverseNodalConnectivity (DataArrayInt *revNodal, DataArrayInt *revNodalIndx) const
int getSpaceDimensionOnNodeStruct () const
virtual void getSplitCellValues (int *res) const
virtual void getSplitNodeValues (int *res) const
INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType getTypeOfCell (int cellId) const
DataArrayIntgiveCellsWithType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type) const
bool isEqualIfNotWhy (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec, std::string &reason) const
DataArrayIntsimplexize (int policy)
void splitProfilePerType (const DataArrayInt *profile, std::vector< int > &code, std::vector< DataArrayInt * > &idsInPflPerType, std::vector< DataArrayInt * > &idsPerType) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh
virtual bool areCompatibleForMerge (const MEDCouplingMesh *other) const
virtual MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartRange (int beginCellIds, int endCellIds, int stepCellIds) const
virtual MEDCouplingMeshbuildPartRangeAndReduceNodes (int beginCellIds, int endCellIds, int stepCellIds, int &beginOut, int &endOut, int &stepOut, DataArrayInt *&arr) const
virtual void checkFastEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
void checkGeoEquivalWith (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, int levOfCheck, double prec, DataArrayInt *&cellCor, DataArrayInt *&nodeCor) const
virtual void copyTinyInfoFrom (const MEDCouplingMesh *other)
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalytic (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, FunctionToEvaluate func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalytic (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::string &func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalyticCompo (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::string &func) const
virtual MEDCouplingFieldDoublefillFromAnalyticNamedCompo (TypeOfField t, int nbOfComp, const std::vector< std::string > &varsOrder, const std::string &func) const
virtual DataArrayIntgetCellIdsFullyIncludedInNodeIds (const int *partBg, const int *partEnd) const
virtual void getCellsContainingPoints (const double *pos, int nbOfPoints, double eps, MCAuto< DataArrayInt > &elts, MCAuto< DataArrayInt > &eltsIndex) const
std::string getDescription () const
std::string getName () const
double getTime (int &iteration, int &order) const
std::string getTimeUnit () const
std::string getVTKFileNameOf (const std::string &fileName) const
virtual bool isEqual (const MEDCouplingMesh *other, double prec) const
bool isStructured () const
void setDescription (const std::string &descr)
void setName (const std::string &name)
void setTime (double val, int iteration, int order)
void setTimeUnit (const std::string &unit)
std::string writeVTK (const std::string &fileName, bool isBinary=true) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::TimeLabel
void declareAsNew () const
std::size_t getTimeOfThis () const
TimeLabeloperator= (const TimeLabel &other)

Static Public Member Functions

static MEDCouplingCMeshNew ()
static MEDCouplingCMeshNew (const std::string &meshName)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingStructuredMesh
static void ApplyGhostOnCompactFrmt (std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partBeforeFact, int ghostSize)
static bool AreRangesIntersect (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &r1, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &r2)
static void AssignPartOfFieldOfDoubleUsing (const std::vector< int > &st, DataArrayDouble *fieldOfDbl, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat, const DataArrayDouble *other)
static DataArrayIntBuild1GTNodalConnectivity (const int *nodeStBg, const int *nodeStEnd)
static DataArrayIntBuild1GTNodalConnectivityOfSubLevelMesh (const int *nodeStBg, const int *nodeStEnd)
static DataArrayIntBuildExplicitIdsFrom (const std::vector< int > &st, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat)
static void ChangeReferenceFromGlobalOfCompactFrmt (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &bigInAbs, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partOfBigInAbs, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partOfBigRelativeToBig, bool check=true)
static void ChangeReferenceToGlobalOfCompactFrmt (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &bigInAbs, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partOfBigRelativeToBig, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partOfBigInAbs, bool check=true)
static DataArrayIntComputeCornersGhost (const std::vector< int > &st, int ghostLev)
static std::vector
< std::vector< int > > 
ComputeSignaturePerAxisOf (const std::vector< int > &st, const std::vector< bool > &crit)
static int DeduceNumberOfGivenRangeInCompactFrmt (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat)
static int DeduceNumberOfGivenStructure (const std::vector< int > &st)
static void ExtractFieldOfBoolFrom (const std::vector< int > &st, const std::vector< bool > &fieldOfBool, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat, std::vector< bool > &fieldOut)
static DataArrayDoubleExtractFieldOfDoubleFrom (const std::vector< int > &st, const DataArrayDouble *fieldOfDbl, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat)
static int FindMinimalPartOf (int minPatchLgth, const std::vector< int > &st, const std::vector< bool > &crit, std::vector< bool > &reducedCrit, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat)
static void FindTheWidestAxisOfGivenRangeInCompactFrmt (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat, int &axisId, int &sizeOfRange)
static std::vector< int > FindTranslationFrom (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &startingFrom, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &goingTo)
static std::vector< std::pair
< int, int > > 
GetCompactFrmtFromDimensions (const std::vector< int > &dims)
static std::vector< int > GetDimensionsFromCompactFrmt (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat)
GetGeoTypeGivenMeshDimension (int meshDim)
static void GetPosFromId (int eltId, int meshDim, const int *split, int *res)
static std::vector< int > GetSplitVectFromStruct (const std::vector< int > &strct)
static std::vector< std::pair
< int, int > > 
IntersectRanges (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &r1, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &r2)
static bool IsPartStructured (const int *startIds, const int *stopIds, const std::vector< int > &st, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat)
static void MultiplyPartOf (const std::vector< int > &st, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &part, double factor, DataArrayDouble *da)
static void MultiplyPartOfByGhost (const std::vector< int > &st, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &part, int ghostSize, double factor, DataArrayDouble *da)
static void PutInGhostFormat (int ghostSize, const std::vector< int > &st, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &part, std::vector< int > &stWithGhost, std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partWithGhost)
static void SwitchOnIdsFrom (const std::vector< int > &st, const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &partCompactFormat, std::vector< bool > &vectToSwitchOn)
static std::vector< std::pair
< int, int > > 
TranslateCompactFrmt (const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &part, const std::vector< int > &translation)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh
GetCorrespondingPolyType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static int GetDimensionOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static int GetNumberOfNodesOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static const char * GetReprOfGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static bool IsLinearGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static bool IsStaticGeometricType (INTERP_KERNEL::NormalizedCellType type)
static MEDCouplingMeshMergeMeshes (const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh1, const MEDCouplingMesh *mesh2)
static MEDCouplingMeshMergeMeshes (std::vector< const MEDCouplingMesh * > &meshes)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingStructuredMesh
 MEDCouplingStructuredMesh ()
 MEDCouplingStructuredMesh (const MEDCouplingStructuredMesh &other, bool deepCopy)
 ~MEDCouplingStructuredMesh ()
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingStructuredMesh
static int ZipNodeStructure (const int *nodeStBg, const int *nodeStEnd, int zipNodeSt[3])

Member Function Documentation

MEDCouplingCMesh * MEDCouplingCMesh::New ( const std::string &  meshName)
MEDCouplingCMesh * MEDCouplingCMesh::deepCopy ( ) const

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References clone().

Referenced by buildStructuredSubPart().

MEDCouplingCMesh * MEDCouplingCMesh::clone ( bool  recDeepCpy) const

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

Referenced by deepCopy().

const DataArrayDouble * MEDCouplingCMesh::getDirectAccessOfCoordsArrIfInStructure ( ) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::updateTime ( ) const

This method should be called on high level classes as Field or Mesh to take into acount modifications done in aggregates objects.

Implements MEDCoupling::TimeLabel.

References MEDCoupling::TimeLabel::updateTimeWith().

Referenced by scale().

std::size_t MEDCouplingCMesh::getHeapMemorySizeWithoutChildren ( ) const
std::vector< const BigMemoryObject * > MEDCouplingCMesh::getDirectChildrenWithNull ( ) const
MEDCouplingMeshType MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh::getType ( ) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::copyTinyStringsFrom ( const MEDCouplingMesh other)

This method copyies all tiny strings from other (name and components name).

ifother and this have not same mesh type.

Reimplemented from MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References MEDCoupling::DataArray::copyStringInfoFrom(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingStructuredMesh::copyTinyStringsFrom().

bool MEDCouplingCMesh::isEqualIfNotWhy ( const MEDCouplingMesh other,
double  prec,
std::string &  reason 
) const
bool MEDCouplingCMesh::isEqualWithoutConsideringStr ( const MEDCouplingMesh other,
double  prec 
) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::checkDeepEquivalWith ( const MEDCouplingMesh other,
int  cellCompPol,
double  prec,
DataArrayInt *&  cellCor,
DataArrayInt *&  nodeCor 
) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::checkDeepEquivalOnSameNodesWith ( const MEDCouplingMesh other,
int  cellCompPol,
double  prec,
DataArrayInt *&  cellCor 
) const

Nothing is done here (except to check that the other is a MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh instance too). The user intend that the nodes are the same, so by construction of MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingCMesh, this and other are the same !

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References isEqualWithoutConsideringStr().

void MEDCouplingCMesh::checkConsistency ( double  eps = 1e-12) const
int MEDCouplingCMesh::getSpaceDimension ( ) const

Return the space dimension of this. It only considers the arrays along X, Y and Z to deduce that. This method throws exceptions if the not null arrays defining this are not contiguously at the end. For example X!=0,Y==0,Z!=0 will throw.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References getNodeGridStructure().

Referenced by buildCurveLinear(), buildStructuredSubPart(), checkConsistencyLight(), computeCellCenterOfMass(), getBoundingBox(), getCellContainingPoint(), getCoordinatesAndOwner(), getCoordinatesOfNode(), getMeasureField(), and simpleRepr().

void MEDCouplingCMesh::getCoordinatesOfNode ( int  nodeId,
std::vector< double > &  coo 
) const
std::string MEDCouplingCMesh::advancedRepr ( ) const

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References simpleRepr().

const DataArrayDouble * MEDCouplingCMesh::getCoordsAt ( int  i) const

Returns a DataArrayDouble holding positions of nodes along a given axis. For more info on Cartesian meshes, see Cartesian mesh.

[in]i- an index of axis, a value from [0,1,2].
const DataArrayDouble * - a pointer to the data array of node coordinates referred by this mesh.
Ifi is not one of [0,1,2].

Here is a C++ example.
Here is a Python example.

Referenced by MEDCoupling::BlockTopology::BlockTopology(), buildStructuredSubPart(), computeCellCenterOfMass(), getBoundingBox(), getCellContainingPoint(), getCoordinatesAndOwner(), getCoordinatesOfNode(), and scale().

DataArrayDouble * MEDCouplingCMesh::getCoordsAt ( int  i)

Returns a DataArrayDouble holding positions of nodes along a given axis. For more info on Cartesian meshes, see Cartesian mesh.

[in]i- an index of axis, a value from [0,1,2].
const DataArrayDouble * - a pointer to the data array of node coordinates referred by this mesh.
Ifi is not one of [0,1,2].

Here is a C++ example.
Here is a Python example.

void MEDCouplingCMesh::setCoordsAt ( int  i,
const DataArrayDouble arr 

Sets node coordinates along a given axis. For more info on Cartesian meshes, see Cartesian mesh.

[in]i- an index of axis, a value in range [0,1,2].
[in]arr- DataArrayDouble holding positions of nodes along the i-th axis. It must be an array of one component.
Ifarr->getNumberOfComponents() != 1.
Ifi is not one of [0,1,2].

Here is a C++ example.
Here is a Python example.

References MEDCoupling::DataArray::checkNbOfComps(), MEDCoupling::TimeLabel::declareAsNew(), and MEDCoupling::RefCountObjectOnly::incrRef().

Referenced by MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingUMesh::Build1DMeshFromCoords(), buildStructuredSubPart(), MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingIMesh::convertToCartesian(), and MEDCoupling::MEDCoupling1SGTUMesh::structurizeMe().

void MEDCouplingCMesh::setCoords ( const DataArrayDouble coordsX,
const DataArrayDouble coordsY = 0,
const DataArrayDouble coordsZ = 0 

Sets node coordinates along some of the tree axes. This method updates all the three node coordinates arrays at once. For more info on Cartesian meshes, see Cartesian mesh.

[in]coordsX- DataArrayDouble holding positions of nodes along the X axis. It must be an array of one component or NULL.
[in]coordsY- DataArrayDouble holding positions of nodes along the Y axis. It must be an array of one component or NULL.
[in]coordsZ- DataArrayDouble holding positions of nodes along the Z axis. It must be an array of one component or NULL.
Ifcoords*->getNumberOfComponents() != 1.

Here is a C++ example.
Here is a Python example.

References MEDCoupling::DataArray::checkNbOfComps(), MEDCoupling::TimeLabel::declareAsNew(), MEDCoupling::RefCountObjectOnly::decrRef(), and MEDCoupling::RefCountObjectOnly::incrRef().

MEDCouplingFieldDouble * MEDCouplingCMesh::getMeasureFieldOnNode ( bool  isAbs) const

not implemented yet !

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

int MEDCouplingCMesh::getCellContainingPoint ( const double *  pos,
double  eps 
) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::getCellsContainingPoint ( const double *  pos,
double  eps,
std::vector< int > &  elts 
) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::rotate ( const double *  center,
const double *  vector,
double  angle 
void MEDCouplingCMesh::translate ( const double *  vector)

Translates all nodes of this mesh by a given vector. Actually, it adds each component of the vector to all node coordinates of a corresponding axis.

[in]vector- the translation vector whose size must be not less than this->getSpaceDimension().

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::getConstPointer(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::getNbOfElems(), and MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::getPointer().

void MEDCouplingCMesh::scale ( const double *  point,
double  factor 

Applies scaling transformation to all nodes of this mesh.

[in]point- coordinates of a scaling center. This array is to be of size this->getSpaceDimension() at least.
[in]factor- a scale factor.

Implements MEDCoupling::MEDCouplingMesh.

References MEDCoupling::TimeLabel::declareAsNew(), getCoordsAt(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::getNbOfElems(), MEDCoupling::DataArrayTemplate< T >::getPointer(), and updateTime().

MEDCouplingMesh * MEDCouplingCMesh::mergeMyselfWith ( const MEDCouplingMesh other) const
DataArrayDouble * MEDCouplingCMesh::computeIsoBarycenterOfNodesPerCell ( ) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::renumberCells ( const int *  old2NewBg,
bool  check = true 
void MEDCouplingCMesh::getNodeGridStructure ( int *  res) const
MEDCouplingStructuredMesh * MEDCouplingCMesh::buildStructuredSubPart ( const std::vector< std::pair< int, int > > &  cellPart) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::getTinySerializationInformation ( std::vector< double > &  tinyInfoD,
std::vector< int > &  tinyInfo,
std::vector< std::string > &  littleStrings 
) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::resizeForUnserialization ( const std::vector< int > &  tinyInfo,
DataArrayInt a1,
DataArrayDouble a2,
std::vector< std::string > &  littleStrings 
) const
void MEDCouplingCMesh::unserialization ( const std::vector< double > &  tinyInfoD,
const std::vector< int > &  tinyInfo,
const DataArrayInt a1,
DataArrayDouble a2,
const std::vector< std::string > &  littleStrings 
std::string MEDCouplingCMesh::getVTKFileExtension ( ) const