Version: 8.3.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2006-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
2 //
3 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7 //
8 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 //
17 // See or email :
18 //
23 #include "parserBase.hxx"
24 #include "containerParsers.hxx"
25 #include "dataParsers.hxx"
26 #include "portParsers.hxx"
27 #include "codeParsers.hxx"
28 #include "propertyParsers.hxx"
30 #include "Proc.hxx"
31 #include "TypeCode.hxx"
32 #include "InlineNode.hxx"
33 #include "ServiceNode.hxx"
34 #include "Exception.hxx"
35 #include "Runtime.hxx"
36 #include "Container.hxx"
37 #include "ComponentInstance.hxx"
38 #include "OutputDataStreamPort.hxx"
39 #include "InputDataStreamPort.hxx"
40 #include "ComponentInstance.hxx"
41 #include "factory.hxx"
46 namespace YACS
47 {
49 static std::string t2[]={"ref","node","component","componentinstance",""};
51 template <class T=YACS::ENGINE::ServiceNode*>
53 {
56  virtual void onStart(const XML_Char* el, const XML_Char** attr);
57  virtual void onEnd(const char *el,parser* child)
58  {
59  DEBTRACE( "servicetypeParser::onEnd: " << el )
60  std::string element(el);
61  if(element == "kind")this->kind(((stringtypeParser*)child)->post());
62  else if(element == "ref") ref(((stringtypeParser*)child)->post());
63  else if(element == "component") component(((stringtypeParser*)child)->post());
64  else if(element == "componentinstance") componentinstance(((stringtypeParser*)child)->post());
65  else if(element == "node") node(((stringtypeParser*)child)->post());
66  else if(element == "method") method(((stringtypeParser*)child)->post());
67  else if(element == "load") load(((loadtypeParser*)child)->post());
68  else if(element == "property")this->property(((propertytypeParser*)child)->post());
69  else if(element == "inport") this->inport(((inporttypeParser<myinport>*)child)->post());
70  else if(element == "outport") this->outport(((outporttypeParser<myoutport>*)child)->post());
71  else if(element == "instream") instream(((inporttypeParser<myinport>*)child)->post());
72  else if(element == "outstream") outstream(((outporttypeParser<myoutport>*)child)->post());
73  }
74  virtual void ref (const std::string& name)
75  {
76  DEBTRACE( "service_ref: " << name )
77  this->_node=theRuntime->createRefNode(this->_kind,this->_name);
78  this->_node->setRef(name);
79  }
81  virtual void componentinstance (const std::string& name)
82  {
83  DEBTRACE( "componentinstance: " << name )
84  if(currentProc->componentInstanceMap.count(name) == 0)
85  throw YACS::Exception("Unknown ComponentInstance: "+name);
86  this->_node=theRuntime->createCompoNode(this->_kind,this->_name);
88  this->_node->setComponent(inst);
89  }
91  virtual void component (const std::string& name)
92  {
93  DEBTRACE( "service_component: " << name )
94  this->_node=theRuntime->createCompoNode(this->_kind,this->_name);
95  YACS::ENGINE::ComponentInstance* inst=currentProc->createComponentInstance(name,"",this->_node->getKind());
96  this->_node->setComponent(inst);
97  inst->decrRef();
98  }
99  virtual void node (const std::string& name)
100  {
101  DEBTRACE( "service_node: " << name )
102  std::string fullname = currentProc->names.back()+name;
103  if(currentProc->serviceMap.count(name) != 0)
104  {
105  //ServiceNode with absolute name found
107  this->_node =n->createNode(this->_name);
108  }
109  else if(currentProc->serviceMap.count(fullname) != 0)
110  {
111  //ServiceNode with relative name found
112  //TODO: must be a short name (possible only in the same context)
113  YACS::ENGINE::ServiceNode* n=currentProc->serviceMap[fullname];
114  this->_node =n->createNode(this->_name);
115  }
116  else
117  {
118  throw YACS::Exception("Unknown ServiceNode");
119  }
120  }
122  virtual void method (const std::string& name)
123  {
124  DEBTRACE( "service_method: " << name )
125  if(this->_node==0)
126  throw YACS::Exception("ServiceNode must be completely defined before defining its method");
127  if(name == "")
128  {
129  this->logError("a service name must be a non empty string");
130  return;
131  }
132  this->_node->setMethod(name);
133  }
135  virtual void load (const loadon& l)
136  {
137  DEBTRACE( "service_load: " << l._container);
138  this->_container=l._container;
139  }
141  virtual void instream (const myinport& p)
142  {
143  DEBTRACE( "service_instream" )
144  DEBTRACE( p._type )
145  DEBTRACE( p._name )
146  if(this->_node==0)
147  throw YACS::Exception("ServiceNode must be completely defined before defining its ports");
149  if(currentProc->typeMap.count(p._type)==0)
150  {
151  YACS::ENGINE::TypeCode* t=theRuntime->getTypeCode(p._type);
152  if(t==0)
153  {
154  std::string msg="Unknown InStreamPort Type: ";
155  msg=msg+p._type+" for node: "+this->_node->getName()+" port name: "+p._name;
156  throw YACS::Exception(msg);
157  }
158  else
159  {
160  currentProc->typeMap[p._type]=t;
161  t->incrRef();
162  }
163  }
165  port=this->_node->edAddInputDataStreamPort(p._name,currentProc->typeMap[p._type]);
166  // Set all properties for this port
167  std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator pt;
168  for(pt=p._props.begin();pt!=p._props.end();pt++)
169  port->setProperty((*pt).first,(*pt).second);
170  }
171  virtual void outstream (const myoutport& p)
172  {
173  DEBTRACE( "service_outstream" )
174  DEBTRACE( p._type )
175  DEBTRACE( p._name )
176  if(this->_node==0)
177  throw YACS::Exception("ServiceNode must be completely defined before defining its ports");
179  if(currentProc->typeMap.count(p._type)==0)
180  {
181  YACS::ENGINE::TypeCode* t=theRuntime->getTypeCode(p._type);
182  if(t==0)
183  {
184  std::string msg="Unknown OutStreamPort Type: ";
185  msg=msg+p._type+" for node: "+this->_node->getName()+" port name: "+p._name;
186  throw YACS::Exception(msg);
187  }
188  else
189  {
190  currentProc->typeMap[p._type]=t;
191  t->incrRef();
192  }
193  }
195  port=this->_node->edAddOutputDataStreamPort(p._name,currentProc->typeMap[p._type]);
196  // Set all properties for this port
197  std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator pt;
198  for(pt=p._props.begin();pt!=p._props.end();pt++)
199  port->setProperty((*pt).first,(*pt).second);
200  }
201  virtual T post()
202  {
203  DEBTRACE( "service_post " << this->_node->getName() )
204  this->mincount("method",1);
205  if(this->_state == "disabled")this->_node->exDisabledState();
207  // If the service node has no component instance don't go further return the node
208  if(!this->_node->getComponent())
209  return this->_node;
211  // when container is not defined by <load container="xxx"/> but indirectly by <node>xxx</node>
212  // this->_container is not set, and there is no need to setContainer
213  // so stop here and return the node
214  if(this->_node->getComponent()->getContainer())
215  return this->_node;
217  //If the component instance is anonymous set the container
218  // with the load directive or with the DefaultContainer
219  if(this->_node->getComponent()->isAnonymous())
220  {
221  if(currentProc->containerMap.count(this->_container) != 0)
222  this->_node->getComponent()->setContainer(currentProc->containerMap[this->_container]);
223  else if(this->_container == "" && currentProc->containerMap.count("DefaultContainer") != 0)
224  {
225  //a default container is defined : use it if supported
226  try
227  {
228  currentProc->containerMap["DefaultContainer"]->checkCapabilityToDealWith(this->_node->getComponent());
229  this->_node->getComponent()->setContainer(currentProc->containerMap["DefaultContainer"]);
230  }
231  catch(YACS::Exception)
232  {}
233  }
234  else
235  std::cerr << "WARNING: Unknown container " << this->_container << " ignored" << std::endl;
236  }
237  return this->_node;
238  }
239 };
241 template <class T> servicetypeParser<T> servicetypeParser<T>::serviceParser;
243 template <class T>
244 void servicetypeParser<T>::onStart(const XML_Char* el, const XML_Char** attr)
245  {
246  DEBTRACE( "servicetypeParser::onStart: " << el )
247  std::string element(el);
249  this->maxcount("kind",1,element);
250  this->maxcount("ref",1,element);
251  this->maxcount("node",1,element);
252  this->maxcount("component",1,element);
253  this->maxcount("componentinstance",1,element);
254  this->maxcount("method",1,element);
255  this->maxcount("load",1,element);
256  this->maxchoice(t2,1,element);
257  if(element == "kind")pp=&stringtypeParser::stringParser;
258  else if(element == "ref")pp=&stringtypeParser::stringParser;
259  else if(element == "component")pp=&stringtypeParser::stringParser;
260  else if(element == "componentinstance")pp=&stringtypeParser::stringParser;
261  else if(element == "node")pp=&stringtypeParser::stringParser;
262  else if(element == "method")pp=&stringtypeParser::stringParser;
263  else if(element == "load")pp=&loadtypeParser::loadParser;
264  else if(element == "property")pp=&propertytypeParser::propertyParser;
265  else if(element == "inport")pp=&inporttypeParser<>::inportParser;
266  else if(element == "outport")pp=&outporttypeParser<>::outportParser;
267  else if(element == "instream")pp=&inporttypeParser<>::inportParser;
268  else if(element == "outstream")pp=&outporttypeParser<>::outportParser;
269  this->SetUserDataAndPush(pp);
270  pp->init();
271  pp->pre();
272  pp->buildAttr(attr);
273  }
275 } // end of namespace YACS
277 #endif