Version: 8.3.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (C) 2006-2016 CEA/DEN, EDF R&D
2 //
3 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
4 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
5 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
6 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
7 //
8 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
9 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 // Lesser General Public License for more details.
12 //
13 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
15 // Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
16 //
17 // See or email :
18 //
20 #include <Python.h>
21 #include "GuiEditor.hxx"
22 #include "RuntimeSALOME.hxx"
23 #include "Proc.hxx"
24 #include "Node.hxx"
25 #include "ForEachLoop.hxx"
26 #include "Catalog.hxx"
27 #include "Container.hxx"
28 #include "ComponentInstance.hxx"
29 #include "guiObservers.hxx"
30 #include "QtGuiContext.hxx"
31 #include "TypeCode.hxx"
32 #include "Scene.hxx"
34 #include "SceneLinkItem.hxx"
35 #include "Catalog.hxx"
36 #include "ItemMimeData.hxx"
37 #include "Message.hxx"
38 #include "Resource.hxx"
39 #include "FormUndoRedo.hxx"
40 #include <QMessageBox>
42 #include <string>
43 #include <sstream>
44 #include <iostream>
46 //#define _DEVDEBUG_
47 #include "YacsTrace.hxx"
49 using namespace std;
50 using namespace YACS::ENGINE;
51 using namespace YACS::HMI;
53 GuiEditor::GuiEditor()
54 {
55  // approximative conversion from latin1 to US ascii (removing accentuation)
56  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::GuiEditor");
57  _table = "________________" ; // 0 - 15
58  _table += "________________" ; // 16 - 31
59  _table += " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./" ; // 32 - 47
60  _table += "0123456789:;<=>?" ; // 48 - 63
61  _table += "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO" ; // 64 - 79
62  _table += "PQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_" ; // 80 - 95
63  _table += "`abcdefghijklmno" ; // 96 - 111
64  _table += "pqrstuvwxyz{|}~_" ; // 112 - 127
65  _table += "________________" ; // 128 - 143
66  _table += "________________" ; // 144 - 159
67  _table += "_icLoY|-_ca-__r-" ; // 160 - 175
68  _table += "-_23'u_..10\"___?" ; // 176 - 191
69  _table += "AAAAAAACEEEEIIII" ; // 192 - 207
70  _table += "DNOOOOOx0UUUUYPB" ; // 208 - 223
71  _table += "aaaaaaaceeeeiiii" ; // 224 - 239
72  _table += "onooooo-0uuuuypy" ; // 240 - 255
73  //_table[167] = char(167); // '§'
74  //_table[176] = char(176); // '°'
75  DEBTRACE(_table.size() << " " << _table);
76 }
78 GuiEditor::~GuiEditor()
79 {
80  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::~GuiEditor");
81 }
83 void GuiEditor::CreateNodeFromCatalog(const ItemMimeData* myData, SubjectComposedNode *cnode,bool createNewComponentInstance)
84 {
85  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateNodeFromCatalog");
86  int nb = myData->getDataSize();
87  DEBTRACE(nb);
88  for (int i=0; i<nb; i++)
89  {
90  Catalog* catalog = myData->getCatalog(i);
91  string compoName = myData->getCompo(i);
92  string service = myData->getType(i);
93  DEBTRACE(compoName << "/" << service);
94  _createNode(catalog, cnode, service, compoName,createNewComponentInstance);
95  }
96 }
98 SubjectNode* GuiEditor::CreateNode(std::string typeNode)
99 {
100  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateNode " << typeNode);
103  Subject *sub = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectedSubject();
104  if (!sub)
105  {
106  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateNode : invalid selection!");
107  return 0;
108  }
109  DEBTRACE(sub->getName());
112  if (!cnode)
113  {
114  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateNode : no ComposedNode selected!");
115  return 0;
116  }
118  return _createNode(catalog, cnode, typeNode, "", Resource::COMPONENT_INSTANCE_NEW);
119 }
121 SubjectNode* GuiEditor::_createNode(YACS::ENGINE::Catalog* catalog,
122  SubjectComposedNode *cnode,
123  std::string service,
124  std::string compoName,
125  bool createNewComponentInstance)
126 {
127  SubjectNode* aNewNode = 0;
129  // --- find a name not used
131  string name = service;
132  if (name == "PresetNode")
133  name = "DataIn";
134  Node *node =cnode->getNode();
135  ComposedNode *father = dynamic_cast<ComposedNode*>(node);
136  YASSERT(father);
137  list<Node*> children = father->edGetDirectDescendants();
138  bool nameInUse = true;
139  std::stringstream tryname;
140  while (nameInUse)
141  {
142  nameInUse = false;
143  long newid = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getNewId();
144  tryname.str("");
145  tryname << name << newid;
146  if (newid > 100000) break;
147  for (list<Node*>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
148  {
149  if ((*it)->getName() == tryname.str())
150  nameInUse = true;
151  }
152  }
153  name = tryname.str();
155  int swCase = 0;
156  SubjectSwitch *aSwitch = dynamic_cast<SubjectSwitch*>(cnode);
157  if (aSwitch)
158  {
159  map<int, SubjectNode*> bodyMap = aSwitch->getBodyMap();
160  if (bodyMap.empty()) swCase = 1;
161  else
162  {
163  map<int, SubjectNode*>::reverse_iterator rit = bodyMap.rbegin();
164  swCase = (*rit).first + 1;
165  }
166  aNewNode = aSwitch->addNode(catalog, compoName, service, name, createNewComponentInstance, swCase);
167  if (!aNewNode)
168  Message mess;
169  }
170  else if (cnode && (dynamic_cast<SubjectBloc*>(cnode) == 0) && cnode->getChild() != 0)
171  {
172  // loop with a body : can't add a node
173  QMessageBox msgBox;
174  std::string msg;
175  msg="This loop has already a body. It is not possible to add directly another node\n";
176  msg=msg+"Do you want to put the existing node in a bloc and add the new node in this bloc ?\n";
177  msgBox.setText(msg.c_str());
178  msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::No );
179  msgBox.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::No);
180  int ret = msgBox.exec();
181  if(ret == QMessageBox::Yes)
182  {
183  // User wants to put body node in bloc
184  if (cnode->getChild()->putInComposedNode("Bloc1","Bloc"))
185  {
186  //the bloc has been successfully created. Add the new node
187  SubjectBloc* newbloc = dynamic_cast<SubjectBloc*>(cnode->getChild());
188  aNewNode = newbloc->addNode(catalog, compoName, service, name, createNewComponentInstance);
189  if (!aNewNode)
190  Message mess;
191  }
192  else
193  Message mess;
194  }
195  }
196  else if (cnode)
197  aNewNode = cnode->addNode(catalog, compoName, service, name, createNewComponentInstance);
198  if (!aNewNode)
199  Message mess;
200  return aNewNode;
201 }
203 void GuiEditor::AddTypeFromCatalog(const ItemMimeData* myData)
204 {
205  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::AddTypeFromCatalog");
206  SubjectProc* sProc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
207  int nb = myData->getDataSize();
208  DEBTRACE(nb);
209  for (int i=0; i<nb; i++)
210  {
211  Catalog* catalog = myData->getCatalog(i);
212  DEBTRACE("catalog " << catalog);
213  string aType = myData->getType(i);
214  DEBTRACE(aType);
215  sProc->addDataType(catalog, aType);
216  }
217 }
219 void GuiEditor::CreateBloc()
220 {
221  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateBloc");
222  CreateNode("Bloc");
223 }
225 void GuiEditor::CreateForLoop()
226 {
227  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateForLoop");
228  CreateNode("ForLoop");
229 }
231 void GuiEditor::CreateForEachLoop(std::string type)
232 {
233  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateForEachLoop");
234  // The ForEachLoop node for datatype type must exist in builtin catalog
235  // So create it in builtin catalog if it does not exist and datatype is loaded in the current Proc
237  Proc* proc = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getProc();
238  std::string typeName="ForEachLoop_"+type;
239  if (!catalog->_composednodeMap.count(typeName))
240  {
241  if(proc->typeMap.count(type))
242  {
243  catalog->_composednodeMap[typeName]=new ForEachLoop(typeName,proc->typeMap[type]);
244  }
245  }
246  CreateNode(typeName);
247 }
249 void GuiEditor::CreateWhileLoop()
250 {
251  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateWhileLoop");
252  CreateNode("WhileLoop");
253 }
255 void GuiEditor::CreateSwitch()
256 {
257  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateSwitch");
258  CreateNode("Switch");
259 }
261 void GuiEditor::CreateOptimizerLoop()
262 {
263  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateOptimizerLoop");
264  CreateNode("OptimizerLoop");
265 }
267 void GuiEditor::CreateContainer()
268 {
269  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateContainer");
270  SubjectProc *sproc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
271  YASSERT(sproc);
272  SubjectContainerBase *scont = 0;
273  while (!scont)
274  {
275  std::stringstream name;
276  long newid = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getNewId();
277  if (newid > 100000) break;
278  name.str("");
279  name << "container" << newid;
280  scont = sproc->addContainer(name.str());
281  }
282 }
284 void GuiEditor::CreateHPContainer()
285 {
286  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateHPContainer");
287  SubjectProc *sproc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
288  YASSERT(sproc);
289  SubjectContainerBase *scont = 0;
290  while (!scont)
291  {
292  std::stringstream name;
293  long newid = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getNewId();
294  if (newid > 100000) break;
295  name.str("");
296  name << "container" << newid;
297  scont = sproc->addHPContainer(name.str());
298  }
299 }
301 void GuiEditor::CreateComponentInstance()
302 {
303  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateComponentInstance");
304  SubjectProc *sproc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
305  YASSERT(sproc);
306  Subject *sub = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectedSubject();
307  SubjectComponent *sco = dynamic_cast<SubjectComponent*>(sub);
308  if (!sco)
309  {
310  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateComponentInstance: " << "selection is not a component");
311  return;
312  }
313  string compoName = sco->getComponent()->getCompoName();
314  string containerName = sco->getComponent()->getContainer()->getName();
315  sproc->addComponent(compoName, containerName);
316 }
319 SubjectDataPort* GuiEditor::CreateInputPort(SubjectElementaryNode* seNode,
320  std::string name,
321  YACS::ENGINE::Catalog *catalog,
322  std::string type,
323  SubjectDataPort* before)
324 {
325  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateInputPort");
326  SubjectDataPort *sdp = 0;
327  if (name.empty())
328  {
329  std::stringstream aName;
330  long newid = 0;
331  while (newid < 100000)
332  {
333  newid = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getNewId();
334  aName.str("");
335  aName << "i" << newid;
336  try
337  {
338  seNode->getNode()->getInputPort(aName.str());
339  }
340  catch(Exception& ex)
341  {
342  break;
343  }
344  }
345  sdp = seNode->addInputPort(catalog,type, aName.str());
346  }
347  else
348  sdp = seNode->addInputPort(catalog,type, name);
349  if (!sdp)
350  Message mess;
351  return sdp;
352 }
354 SubjectDataPort* GuiEditor::CreateOutputPort(SubjectElementaryNode* seNode,
355  std::string name,
356  YACS::ENGINE::Catalog *catalog,
357  std::string type,
358  SubjectDataPort* before)
359 {
360  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CreateOutputPort");
361  SubjectDataPort *sdp = 0;
362  if (name.empty())
363  {
364  std::stringstream aName;
365  long newid = 0;
366  while (newid < 100000)
367  {
368  newid = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getNewId();
369  aName.str("");
370  aName << "o" << newid;
371  try
372  {
373  seNode->getNode()->getOutputPort(aName.str());
374  }
375  catch(Exception& ex)
376  {
377  break;
378  }
379  }
380  sdp = seNode->addOutputPort(catalog,type, aName.str());
381  }
382  else
383  sdp = seNode->addOutputPort(catalog,type, name);
384  if (!sdp)
385  Message mess;
386  return sdp;
387 }
392 void GuiEditor::shrinkExpand(Qt::KeyboardModifiers kbModifiers) {
393  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::shrinkExpand");
395  Subject* sub = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectedSubject();
396  if (!sub) {
397  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::shrinkExpand : invalid selection!");
398  return;
399  };
401  if (! QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem.count(sub)) {
402  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::shrinkExpand: no scene item corresponding to this subject");
403  return;
404  };
406  SceneItem* item = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem[sub];
407  SceneNodeItem *sni = dynamic_cast<SceneNodeItem*>(item);
408  if (!sni) {
409  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::shrinkExpand: no scene node item corresponding to this subject");
410  return;
411  };
413  ShrinkMode aShrinkMode = CurrentNode;
414  if (kbModifiers == Qt::ControlModifier) {
415  aShrinkMode = ElementaryNodes;
416  } else if (kbModifiers == (Qt::ShiftModifier|Qt::ControlModifier)) {
417  aShrinkMode = ChildrenNodes;
418  }
420  sni->reorganizeShrinkExpand(aShrinkMode);
421  sni->showOutScopeLinks();
422  sni->updateLinks();
423 }
428 void GuiEditor::DeleteSubject()
429 {
430  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::DeleteSubject");
431  if (!QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->isEdition()) return;
432  QModelIndexList selList
433  = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectionModel()->selectedIndexes();
434  if (selList.isEmpty())
435  return;
437  QModelIndex selected = selList.front();
438  if (!selected.isValid())
439  return;
441  SchemaItem *selItem = static_cast<SchemaItem*>(selected.internalPointer());
442  if (!selItem) return;
443  Subject *subToRemove = selItem->getSubject();
444  Subject *subParent = subToRemove->getParent();
445  DeleteSubject(subParent, subToRemove);
446 }
451 void GuiEditor::DeleteSubject(Subject* parent,
452  Subject* toRemove)
453 {
454  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::DeleteSubject "<<parent->getName()<<" "<<toRemove->getName());
455  if (!QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->isEdition()) return;
456  toRemove->askRegisterUndoDestroy();
457  if(!parent->destroy(toRemove))
458  Message mess;
459  // Empty the clipboard in order to avoid the copy of a destroyed object.
460  QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->setSubjectToCopy(NULL);
461 }
463 void GuiEditor::CutSubject()
464 {
465  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CutSubject");
466  if (!QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->isEdition()) return;
467  Subject *sub = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectedSubject();
468  if (!sub)
469  {
470  Message mess("GuiEditor::Cut : invalid selection!");
471  return;
472  }
473  DEBTRACE(sub->getName());
474  QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->setSubjectToCut(sub);
475 }
477 void GuiEditor::CopySubject()
478 {
479  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::CopySubject");
480  if (!QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->isEdition()) return;
481  Subject *sub = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectedSubject();
482  if (!sub)
483  {
484  Message mess("GuiEditor::Copy : invalid selection!");
485  return;
486  }
487  DEBTRACE(sub->getName());
488  QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->setSubjectToCopy(sub);
489 }
491 void GuiEditor::PasteSubject()
492 {
493  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::PasteSubject");
494  if (!QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->isEdition()) return;
495  Subject *newParent = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectedSubject();
496  if (!newParent)
497  {
498  Message mess("GuiEditor::Paste : invalid selection!");
499  return;
500  }
501  bool isCut = false;
502  Subject *sub = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectToPaste(isCut);
503  if (!sub)
504  {
505  Message mess("Nothing to paste");
506  return;
507  }
508  if (SubjectNode *snode = dynamic_cast<SubjectNode*>(sub))
509  {
510  if (isCut)
511  {
512  DEBTRACE("cut");
513  if (!snode->reparent(newParent))
514  Message mess;
515  }
516  else
517  {
518  DEBTRACE("copy");
519  if (!snode->copy(newParent))
520  Message mess;
521  }
522  return;
523  }
524  Message mess("Paste not possible for this kind of object");
525 }
527 void GuiEditor::PutSubjectInBloc()
528 {
529  Subject *sub = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectedSubject();
530  if (!sub)
531  {
532  Message mess("GuiEditor::PutSubjectInBloc : invalid selection!");
533  return;
534  }
535  if (SubjectNode *snode = dynamic_cast<SubjectNode*>(sub))
536  {
537  //Build the set of children node names
538  Node* node=snode->getNode();
539  ComposedNode* father=node->getFather();
540  std::list<Node*> children = father->edGetDirectDescendants();
541  std::set<std::string> names;
542  for (std::list<Node*>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
543  names.insert((*it)->getName());
545  std::stringstream tryname;
546  long newid=0;
547  while (newid < 100000)
548  {
549  tryname.str("");
550  tryname << "Bloc" << newid;
551  if(names.find(tryname.str()) == names.end())break;
552  newid++;
553  }
555  if (!snode->putInComposedNode(tryname.str(),"Bloc"))
556  Message mess;
558  return;
559  }
560  Message mess("Put in Bloc not possible for this kind of object");
561 }
563 void GuiEditor::PutGraphInNode(std::string typeNode)
564 {
565  // put graph in Bloc node before
566  std::string blocname = PutGraphInBloc();
567  // put the built bloc into target node type
568  Proc* proc = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getProc();
569  Node* bloc = proc->getChildByShortName(blocname);
570  SubjectNode * sbloc = GuiContext::getCurrent()->_mapOfSubjectNode[bloc];
571  // create a target node
572  SubjectNode * snode = CreateNode(typeNode);
573  // put the built bloc into target node
574  sbloc->putInComposedNode(snode->getName(), typeNode);
575  // select a target node
576  YACS::HMI::SubjectProc* subproc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
577  QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->setSelectedSubject(subproc);
578  arrangeNodes(false);
579 }
581 std::string GuiEditor::PutGraphInBloc()
582 {
583  Proc* proc = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getProc();
584  std::list<Node *> children = proc->edGetDirectDescendants();
586  //get the set of children node names
587  std::set<std::string> names;
588  for (std::list<Node*>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
589  names.insert((*it)->getName());
591  //get the next numbered name
592  std::stringstream tryname;
593  long newid = GuiContext::getCurrent()->getNewId();
594  while (newid < 100000)
595  {
596  tryname.str("");
597  tryname << "Bloc" << newid;
598  if(names.find(tryname.str()) == names.end())break;
599  newid++;
600  }
601  std::string blocname = tryname.str();
603  //put one by one the child nodes of Proc node into a new Bloc node
604  std::map< std::string, std::pair<QPointF, QPointF> > aMapOfNodePosition;
605  SceneItem *item = 0;
606  SceneNodeItem *inode = 0;
607  SubjectNode * snode = 0;
608  for (std::list<Node*>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
609  {
610  snode = GuiContext::getCurrent()->_mapOfSubjectNode[(*it)];
611  snode->saveLinks();
612  item = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem[snode];
613  YASSERT(item);
614  inode = dynamic_cast<SceneNodeItem*>(item);
615  YASSERT(inode);
616  // save current node position to restore it after reparenting
617  aMapOfNodePosition[snode->getName()] = std::make_pair(inode->pos(), QPointF(inode->getExpandedX(), inode->getExpandedY()));
618  // put in Bloc node
619  snode->putInComposedNode(blocname, "Bloc", false);
620  }
621  for (std::list<Node*>::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it)
622  {
623  snode = 0;
624  snode = GuiContext::getCurrent()->_mapOfSubjectNode[(*it)];
625  snode->restoreLinks();
626  item = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem[snode];
627  YASSERT(item);
628  inode = dynamic_cast<SceneNodeItem*>(item);
629  YASSERT(inode);
630  // restore node position
631  inode->setPos(aMapOfNodePosition[snode->getName()].first);
632  // update node position for shrink/expand operation
633  inode->setExpandedPos(aMapOfNodePosition[snode->getName()].second);
634  // notify node about position changing
635  inode->checkGeometryChange();
636  }
637  Node* bloc = proc->getChildByShortName(blocname);
638  SubjectNode* sbloc = GuiContext::getCurrent()->_mapOfSubjectNode[bloc];
639  item = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem[sbloc];
640  YASSERT(item);
641  // notify bloc about child position changing
642  item->checkGeometryChange();
643  // select a target bloc
644  YACS::HMI::SubjectProc* subproc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
645  QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->setSelectedSubject(subproc);
646  return blocname;
647 }
649 void GuiEditor::rebuildLinks()
650 {
651 // --- only global link redraw for now...
652  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::rebuildLinks");
653  YACS::HMI::SubjectProc* subproc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
654  SceneItem *item = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem[subproc];
655  SceneComposedNodeItem *proc = dynamic_cast<SceneComposedNodeItem*>(item);
656  proc->rebuildLinks();
657 }
659 void GuiEditor::arrangeNodes(bool isRecursive)
660 {
661  Subject *sub = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSelectedSubject();
662  if (!sub)
663  {
664  DEBTRACE("GuiEditor::arrangeNodes : invalid selection!");
665  return;
666  }
667  DEBTRACE(sub->getName());
669  if (! QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem.count(sub))
670  {
671  DEBTRACE("no scene item corresponding to this subject");
672  return;
673  }
674  SceneItem* item = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem[sub];
675  SceneComposedNodeItem *sci = dynamic_cast<SceneComposedNodeItem*>(item);
676  if (! sci)
677  {
678  DEBTRACE("no scene composed node item corresponding to this subject");
679  return;
680  }
681  sci->arrangeNodes(isRecursive);
682 // if (Scene::_autoComputeLinks && !QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->isLoading())
683 // {
684 // YACS::HMI::SubjectProc* subproc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
685 // SceneItem *item = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem[subproc];
686 // SceneComposedNodeItem *proc = dynamic_cast<SceneComposedNodeItem*>(item);
687 // proc->rebuildLinks();
688 // }
689 }
691 void GuiEditor::arrangeProc()
692 {
693  YACS::HMI::SubjectProc* subproc = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->getSubjectProc();
694  SceneItem *item = QtGuiContext::getQtCurrent()->_mapOfSceneItem[subproc];
695  SceneComposedNodeItem *proc = dynamic_cast<SceneComposedNodeItem*>(item);
696  proc->arrangeNodes(true);
697 }
699 void GuiEditor::showUndo(QWidget *parent)
700 {
701  FormUndoRedo *undo = new FormUndoRedo(parent);
702  undo->tabWidget->setCurrentWidget(undo->undoTab);
703  undo->exec();
704 }
706 void GuiEditor::showRedo(QWidget *parent)
707 {
708  FormUndoRedo *redo = new FormUndoRedo(parent);
709  redo->tabWidget->setCurrentWidget(redo->redoTab);
710  redo->exec();
711 }
716 QString GuiEditor::asciiFilter(const QString & name)
717 {
718  DEBTRACE(name.toStdString());
719  string aName = name.toLatin1().data();
720  DEBTRACE(aName);
721  for (int i=0; i < aName.size(); i++)
722  {
723  int v = (unsigned char)(aName[i]);
724  DEBTRACE(v << " " << _table[v]);
725  aName[i] = _table[v];
726  }
727  DEBTRACE(aName);
728  return aName.c_str();
729 }