Standard_Boolean | IsEqual (const TopoDS_Shape &S1, const TopoDS_Shape &S2) |
Standard_EXPORT std::pair
< double, double > | GEOMUtils::ShapeToDouble (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, bool isOldSorting=false) |
| Compute numerical functor for the shape. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Ax3 | GEOMUtils::GetPosition (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape) |
| Get Local Coordinate System, corresponding to the given shape. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Vec | GEOMUtils::GetVector (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, Standard_Boolean doConsiderOrientation) |
| Get vector, defined by the given edge. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | GEOMUtils::SortShapes (TopTools_ListOfShape &SL, const Standard_Boolean isOldSorting=Standard_True) |
| Sort shapes by their centers of mass, using formula X*999 + Y*99 + Z*0.9. More...
Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Shape | GEOMUtils::CompsolidToCompound (const TopoDS_Shape &theCompsolid) |
| Convert TopoDS_COMPSOLID to TopoDS_COMPOUND. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | GEOMUtils::AddSimpleShapes (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, TopTools_ListOfShape &theList) |
| Recursively extract all shapes from compounds and compsolids of the given shape into theList. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::CheckTriangulation (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape) |
| Build a triangulation on theShape if it is absent. More...
Standard_EXPORT TopAbs_ShapeEnum | GEOMUtils::GetTypeOfSimplePart (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape) |
| Return type of shape for explode. In case of compound it will be a type of its first sub shape. More...
Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Shape | GEOMUtils::GetEdgeNearPoint (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, const TopoDS_Vertex &thePoint) |
| Find an edge of theShape, closest to thePoint. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Boolean | GEOMUtils::PreciseBoundingBox (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape, Bnd_Box &theBox) |
| Compute precise bounding box of the shape based on the rough bounding box. More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real | GEOMUtils::GetMinDistanceSingular (const TopoDS_Shape &aSh1, const TopoDS_Shape &aSh2, gp_Pnt &Ptmp1, gp_Pnt &Ptmp2) |
| Computes minumal distance between two shapes for singular cases (workaround for bugs 19899, 19908 and 19910 from Mantis). More...
Standard_EXPORT Standard_Real | GEOMUtils::GetMinDistance (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape1, const TopoDS_Shape &theShape2, gp_Pnt &thePnt1, gp_Pnt &thePnt2) |
| Computes minumal distance between two shapes. More...
Standard_EXPORT gp_Pnt | GEOMUtils::ConvertClickToPoint (int x, int y, Handle(V3d_View) theView) |
| Returns the point clicked in 3D view. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | GEOMUtils::ConvertTreeToString (const TreeModel &tree, std::string &dependencyStr) |
| Convert dependency tree data to the string representation. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | GEOMUtils::ConvertStringToTree (const std::string &dependencyStr, TreeModel &tree) |
| Restore dependency tree data from the string representation. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::CheckShape (TopoDS_Shape &shape, bool checkGeometry=false) |
| Check shape. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::CheckBOPArguments (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape) |
| Check boolean and partition operations agruments. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::FixShapeTolerance (TopoDS_Shape &shape, TopAbs_ShapeEnum type, Standard_Real tolerance=Precision::Confusion(), bool checkGeometry=false) |
| Limit shape tolerance to the given value. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::FixShapeTolerance (TopoDS_Shape &shape, Standard_Real tolerance=Precision::Confusion(), bool checkGeometry=false) |
| Limit shape tolerance to the given value This is overloaded function, it behaves exactly as previous one. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::FixShapeTolerance (TopoDS_Shape &shape, bool checkGeometry) |
| Limit shape tolerance to the given value This is overloaded function, it behaves exactly as previous one. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::FixShapeCurves (TopoDS_Shape &shape) |
| Fix curves of the given shape. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::Write (const TopoDS_Shape &shape, const char *fileName) |
| Write shape to the BREP file. More...
Standard_EXPORT TopoDS_Shape | GEOMUtils::ReduceCompound (const TopoDS_Shape &shape) |
| Extract single SOLID from COMPSOLID or COMPOUND. More...
Standard_EXPORT void | GEOMUtils::MeshShape (const TopoDS_Shape shape, double deflection, bool forced=true) |
| Generate triangulation for the shape. More...
Standard_EXPORT double | GEOMUtils::DefaultDeflection () |
| Get default deflection coefficient used for triangulation. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::IsOpenPath (const TopoDS_Shape &theShape) |
| Check if the shape is not a closed wire or edge. More...
Standard_EXPORT int | GEOMUtils::CompareToleranceValues (const double theTolShape, const double theTolRef) |
| This function compares two tolerances. More...
Standard_EXPORT bool | GEOMUtils::IsFitCondition (const ComparisonCondition theCondition, const double theTolShape, const double theTolRef) |
| Check if the comarison of tolerances fit the condition. More...