For bended pipes

Cracked bended pipes being a common encountered case, a specific module was developed with a Graphic User Interface (GUI). GUI is accessible in the SMESH extension Meshed Pipe with a crack. Compared to the classical use of « Bloc Fissure », this extension also generate the pipe mesh and the crack geometry from geometrical information.


Print screen of GUI of the extension Meshed Pipe with a crack

The GUI is a window with mandatory and optional parameters. Optional parameters have to be activated by ticking the corresponding check box. Parameters are explained on the following figures and table. Angles are in degrees and lengths dimensions are all the same and shall then be consistent with each other’s.

_images/schema_tube_sain.png _images/schema_fis_ext2.png
Section “coude sain”
ANGLE Bending angle value between 0 and 90°
R_CINTR Bending radius at the pipe axe
L_TUBE_P1 P1 nozzle length
L_TUBE_P2 P2 nozzle length
EPAIS Pipe thickness
DEXT External diameter of the pipe
/NB_AXE_TUBE_P1 Number of elements along P1 nozzle axe
/NB_AXE_TUBE_P2 Number of elements along P2 nozzle axe
/NB_AXE_COUDE Number of elements along bend axe
/NB_CIRCONF Number of elements in the circumference of the pipe (shall be even)
/NB_EPAISSEUR Number of elements in the pipe thickness
Section “fissure”
Fissure interne externe Crack position respectively on the internal or external face of the pipe
Forcer elliptique Force the crack to be elliptic (do not use, under development)
PROFONDEUR Crack depth
LONGUEUR Crack major axis length measured on the surface where the crack is to be inserted
AZIMUT Circumferential position of the crack in degrees from the extrados to the intrados
ORIEN Angle between the major axis of the crack and the axe of the pipe.
ABS_CURV Longitudinal position of the crack centre defined from the interface between P1 and the bend. It’s a curvilinear abscise and it can be negative or positive.
Or POSI_ANGUL Longitudinal position of the crack centre (DO NOT USE)
Section “maillage fissure”
NB_TRANCHES Elements number along the crack front of the tore
NB_COURONNE Elements number in the radius of the tore
NB_SECTEUR Sectors number of the tore
RAYON_TORE Tore radius
/Arêtes face fissure Approximate size of elements on the external face of the Box mesh after crack insertion
/Distance influence Length that defines the criterion to include mesh elements around the crack in the Box or not
  • Reset: clears all the parameters
  • Précédent: loads the last set of parameters used
  • Recharger: loads a .dic file containing parameters
  • Sauver: save a .dic file with the active parameters

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