Go to the the <PYHELLO_module_installation_dir> directory and type:
[bash% ] ./bin/salome/runPYHELLO
This command runs SALOME session configured for KERNEL and the PYHELLO module. At the end of running, the user will be prompted by the Python interpreter command line configured for SALOME that provides access to SALOME Python API (including CORBA interfaces).
The runPYHELLO file is a shell script that executes a Python commands running SALOME session by passing arguments to it in a command line:
${KERNEL_ROOT_DIR}/bin/salome/envSalome.py python -i $PYHELLO_ROOT_DIR/bin/salome/runPYHELLO.py --modules=PYHELLO --killall
These arguments state that the runPYHELLO.py script located in the PYHELLO module will be used, that the PYHELLO component will be activated and all previously running SALOME sessions should be shutdowned.
This command will not function unless the following environment variables have previously been set:
export KERNEL_ROOT_DIR=<KERNEL_module_installation_dir> export PYHELLO_ROOT_DIR=<PYHELLO_module_installation_dir>