- CreateBoundaryDi(boundary_name, mesh_name, mesh_file)
Returns an instance of the class boundary, type discrete after its creation
- boundary_name: the name of the discrete boundary
- mesh_name: the name of the mesh of the boundary
- mesh_file: the name of the file for this mesh
- CreateBoundaryCylinder(boundary_name, Xcen, Ycen, Zcen, Xaxe, Yaxe, Zaxe, R)
Returns an instance of the class boundary analytical type cylindrical
after its creation
- boundary_name: the name of the analytical boundary based on a cylinder
- Xcen, Ycen, Zcen: coordinates of a point on the axis of the cylinder
- Xaxe, Yaxe, Zaxe: vector of the axis
- R: radius of the cylinder
- CreateBoundarySphere(boundary_name, Xcen, Ycen, Zcen, R)
Returns an instance of the class boundary analytical type spherical
after its creation
- boundary_name: the name of the boundary analytique based on a sphere
- Xcen, Ycen, Zcen: coordinates of the centre of the sphere
- R: radius of the sphere
- CreateBoundaryConeA(boundary_name, Xaxe, Yaxe, Zaxe, Angle, Xcen, Ycen, Zcen)
Returns an instance of the class boundary analytical type conical
after its creation
- boundary_name: the name of the boundary analytique based on a cone
- Xaxe, Yaxe, Zaxe: vector of the axis
- Angle: opening angle of the cone in degree (between 0 and 90)
- Xcen, Ycen, Zcen: coordinates of the centre of the cone
- CreateBoundaryConeR(boundary_name, Xc1, Yc1, Zc1, R1, Xc2, Yc2, Zc2, R2)
Returns an instance of the class boundary analytical type conical
after its creation
- boundary_name: the name of the boundary analytique based on a cone
- Xc1, Yc1, Zc1: coordinates of the first centre of the cone
- R1: radius of the cone at the first centre of the cone
- Xc2, Yc2, Zc2: coordinates of the second centre of the cone
- R2: radius of the cone at the second centre of the cone
- CreateBoundaryTorus(boundary_name, Xcen, Ycen, Zcen, Xaxe, Yaxe, Zaxe, RRev, RPri)
Returns an instance of the class boundary analytical type torus
after its creation
- boundary_name: the name of the analytical boundary based on a torus
- Xcen, Ycen, Zcen: coordinates of the centre of the torus
- Xaxe, Yaxe, Zaxe: vector of the axis
- RRev: revolution radius of the torus
- RPri: primary radius of the torus