The case
The variables are described in The creation of a case.
Methods of the class homard
Creation of a case
- CreateCase(case_name, mesh_name, mesh_file)
Returns an instance of the class cas after its
- case_name: the name of the case
- mesh_name: the name of the initial mesh
- mesh_file: the name of the MED file of this mesh
- the directory for the results is /tmp
- the adaptation is conformal
- GetCase(case_name)
Returns an instance of the class cas known by its name
- case_name: the name of the case
- GetAllCasesName()
- Returns the liste of the name of all the existing cases
Creation of a case by pursuit of a computed iteration
- CreateCaseFromIteration(case_name, dir_name)
Returns an instance of the class cas after its
- case_name: the name of the case
- dir_name: the name of the directory that contains
the iteration
- CreateCaseFromCaseLastIteration(case_name, dir_name)
Returns an instance of the class cas after its
- case_name: the name of the case
- dir_name: the name of the directory that contains
the case
- CreateCaseFromCaseIteration(case_name, dir_name, number)
Returns an instance of the class cas after its
- case_name: the name of the case
- dir_name: the name of the directory that contains
the case
- number: the number of the iteration of the case
Methods of the class cas
- GetName()
- Returns the name of the case
- SetDirName(dirname)
Gives a directory for the results of the case. It can be
done only after the creation of the case and before the
first computation.
- dirname: the name of the directory of the results
- GetDirName()
- Returns the name of the directory of the results of the
- SetConfType(conf_type)
Defines the type of conformity for the case
- GetConfType()
- Returns the type of conformity
- SetExtType(ext_type)
Defines the external type for the case
- GetExtType()
- Returns the external type for the case
- GetIter0()
- Returns the iteration linked to the initial mesh.
This iteration is automatically created by the module
HOMARD. It is used to connect the iterations. It is
connected to an initial mesh or to the iteration of a
previous case.
- AddBoundaryGroup(boundary, group)
Add a boundary to the definition of a case
- boundary: name of the curved boundary
Discrete boundary:
. if all the curved lines are involved, the second
argument is an empty string.
. if only some curved lines are involved, group is
the name of the group of segments
Analytical boundary:
- group: name of the group of faces located on the
- Delete(option)
Deletes the case and all the connected iterations. The MED
file of the first mesh is kept.
- Returns an integer:
- 0: the destruction is done
- other value: problem
- GetState()
- Returns the state of the case:
- 0: corresponds to an initial mesh
- other value: pursuit of an iteration with number n
- WriteYACSSchema(ScriptFile, DirName, MeshFile)
Writes a schema YACS relative to the case.
- ScriptFile : name of the file that contains the
script to launch the computation
- DirName : the directory for the computation
- MeshFile : name of the file that contains the mesh
for the very first computation
Advanced options
- SetPyram(option)
Defines the status of the pyramids in this case
- GetPyram()
- Returns the status of the pyramids in this case
The creation of the object case_1 is done as follows:
case_name = "CAS_1"
mesh_name = "MAILL"
mesh_file = "/scratch/Salome/Adapt/"
case_1 = homard.CreateCase(case_name, mesh_name, mesh_file)
dirname = "/scratch/Salome/Adapt/resu"
case_1.AddBoundaryGroup( 'intersection', '' )
case_1.AddBoundaryGroup( 'cyl_1', 'T1_EXT' )
case_1.AddBoundaryGroup( 'cyl_1', 'T2_EXT' )
case_1.AddBoundaryGroup( 'cyl_2', 'T_INT' )