Version: 8.3.0
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geomBuilder Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def __new__
def __init__
def init_geom
def GetPluginOperations
def addToStudyAuto
 Enable / disable results auto-publishing. More...
def DumpPython
 Dump component to the Python script This method overrides IDL function to allow default values for the parameters. More...
def SubShapeName
 Get name for sub-shape aSubObj of shape aMainObj. More...
def addToStudy
 Publish in study aShape with name aName. More...
def addToStudyInFather
 Publish in study aShape with name aName as sub-object of previously published aFather. More...
def hideInStudy
 Unpublish object in study. More...
def RestoreSubShapes
 Publish sub-shapes, standing for arguments and sub-shapes of arguments To be used from python scripts out of addToStudy() (non-default usage) More...
def RestoreGivenSubShapes
 Publish sub-shapes, standing for arguments and sub-shapes of arguments To be used from python scripts out of addToStudy() (non-default usage) More...
def MakeVertex
 Create point by three coordinates. More...
def MakeVertexWithRef
 Create a point, distant from the referenced point on the given distances along the coordinate axes. More...
def MakeVertexOnCurve
 Create a point, corresponding to the given parameter on the given curve. More...
def MakeVertexOnCurveByCoord
 Create a point by projection give coordinates on the given curve. More...
def MakeVertexOnCurveByLength
 Create a point, corresponding to the given length on the given curve. More...
def MakeVertexOnSurface
 Create a point, corresponding to the given parameters on the given surface. More...
def MakeVertexOnSurfaceByCoord
 Create a point by projection give coordinates on the given surface. More...
def MakeVertexInsideFace
 Create a point, which lays on the given face. More...
def MakeVertexOnLinesIntersection
 Create a point on intersection of two lines. More...
def MakeTangentOnCurve
 Create a tangent, corresponding to the given parameter on the given curve. More...
def MakeTangentPlaneOnFace
 Create a tangent plane, corresponding to the given parameter on the given face. More...
def MakeVectorDXDYDZ
 Create a vector with the given components. More...
def MakeVector
 Create a vector between two points. More...
def MakeLine
 Create a line, passing through the given point and parrallel to the given direction. More...
def MakeLineTwoPnt
 Create a line, passing through the given points. More...
def MakeLineTwoFaces
 Create a line on two faces intersection. More...
def MakePlane
 Create a plane, passing through the given point and normal to the given vector. More...
def MakePlaneThreePnt
 Create a plane, passing through the three given points. More...
def MakePlaneFace
 Create a plane, similar to the existing one, but with another size of representing face. More...
def MakePlane2Vec
 Create a plane, passing through the 2 vectors with center in a start point of the first vector. More...
def MakePlaneLCS
 Create a plane, based on a Local coordinate system. More...
def MakeMarker
 Create a local coordinate system. More...
def MakeMarkerFromShape
 Create a local coordinate system from shape. More...
def MakeMarkerPntTwoVec
 Create a local coordinate system from point and two vectors. More...
def MakeArc
 Create an arc of circle, passing through three given points. More...
def MakeArcCenter
 Create an arc of circle from a center and 2 points. More...
def MakeArcOfEllipse
 Create an arc of ellipse, of center and two points. More...
def MakeCircle
 Create a circle with given center, normal vector and radius. More...
def MakeCircleR
 Create a circle with given radius. More...
def MakeCircleThreePnt
 Create a circle, passing through three given points. More...
def MakeCircleCenter2Pnt
 Create a circle, with given point1 as center, passing through the point2 as radius and laying in the plane, defined by all three given points. More...
def MakeEllipse
 Create an ellipse with given center, normal vector and radiuses. More...
def MakeEllipseRR
 Create an ellipse with given radiuses. More...
def MakePolyline
 Create a polyline on the set of points. More...
def MakeBezier
 Create bezier curve on the set of points. More...
def MakeInterpol
 Create B-Spline curve on the set of points. More...
def MakeInterpolWithTangents
 Create B-Spline curve on the set of points. More...
def MakeCurveParametric
 Creates a curve using the parametric definition of the basic points. More...
def MakeIsoline
 Create an isoline curve on a face. More...
def MakeSketcher
 Create a sketcher (wire or face), following the textual description, passed through theCommand argument. More...
def MakeSketcherOnPlane
 Create a sketcher (wire or face), following the textual description, passed through theCommand argument. More...
def Sketcher2D
 Obtain a 2D sketcher interface. More...
def Make3DSketcher
 Create a sketcher wire, following the numerical description, passed through theCoordinates argument. More...
def Sketcher3D
 Obtain a 3D sketcher interface. More...
def Polyline2D
 Obtain a 2D polyline creation interface. More...
def MakeBox
 Create a box by coordinates of two opposite vertices. More...
def MakeBoxDXDYDZ
 Create a box with specified dimensions along the coordinate axes and with edges, parallel to the coordinate axes. More...
def MakeBoxTwoPnt
 Create a box with two specified opposite vertices, and with edges, parallel to the coordinate axes. More...
def MakeFaceHW
 Create a face with specified dimensions with edges parallel to coordinate axes. More...
def MakeFaceObjHW
 Create a face from another plane and two sizes, vertical size and horisontal size. More...
def MakeDiskPntVecR
 Create a disk with given center, normal vector and radius. More...
def MakeDiskThreePnt
 Create a disk, passing through three given points. More...
def MakeDiskR
 Create a disk with specified dimensions along OX-OY coordinate axes. More...
def MakeCylinder
 Create a cylinder with given base point, axis, radius and height. More...
def MakeCylinderA
 Create a portion of cylinder with given base point, axis, radius, height and angle. More...
def MakeCylinderRH
 Create a cylinder with given radius and height at the origin of coordinate system. More...
def MakeCylinderRHA
 Create a portion of cylinder with given radius, height and angle at the origin of coordinate system. More...
def MakeSpherePntR
 Create a sphere with given center and radius. More...
def MakeSphere
 Create a sphere with given center and radius. More...
def MakeSphereR
 Create a sphere with given radius at the origin of coordinate system. More...
def MakeCone
 Create a cone with given base point, axis, height and radiuses. More...
def MakeConeR1R2H
 Create a cone with given height and radiuses at the origin of coordinate system. More...
def MakeTorus
 Create a torus with given center, normal vector and radiuses. More...
def MakeTorusRR
 Create a torus with given radiuses at the origin of coordinate system. More...
def MakePrism
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along a vector, defined by two points. More...
def MakePrism2Ways
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along a vector, defined by two points, in 2 Ways (forward/backward). More...
def MakePrismVecH
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the vector, i.e. More...
def MakePrismVecH2Ways
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the vector, i.e. More...
def MakePrismDXDYDZ
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the dx, dy, dz direction. More...
def MakePrismDXDYDZ2Ways
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the dx, dy, dz direction i.e. More...
def MakeRevolution
 Create a shape by revolution of the base shape around the axis on the given angle, i.e. More...
def MakeRevolution2Ways
 Create a shape by revolution of the base shape around the axis on the given angle, i.e. More...
def MakeFilling
 Create a face from a given set of contours. More...
def MakeFillingNew
 Create a face from a given set of contours. More...
def MakeThruSections
 Create a shell or solid passing through set of sections.Sections should be wires,edges or vertices. More...
def MakePipe
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the path shape. More...
def MakePipeWithDifferentSections
 Create a shape by extrusion of the profile shape along the path shape. More...
def MakePipeWithDifferentSectionsBySteps
 Create a shape by extrusion of the profile shape along the path shape. More...
def MakePipeWithShellSections
 Create a shape by extrusion of the profile shape along the path shape. More...
def MakePipeWithShellSectionsBySteps
 Create a shape by extrusion of the profile shape along the path shape. More...
def MakePipeShellsWithoutPath
 Create solids between given sections. More...
def MakePipeBiNormalAlongVector
 Create a shape by extrusion of the base shape along the path shape with constant bi-normal direction along the given vector. More...
def MakeThickSolid
 Makes a thick solid from a shape. More...
def Thicken
 Modifies a shape to make it a thick solid. More...
def RestorePath
 Build a middle path of a pipe-like shape. More...
def RestorePathEdges
 Build a middle path of a pipe-like shape. More...
def MakeEdge
 Create a linear edge with specified ends. More...
def MakeEdgeOnCurveByLength
 Create a new edge, corresponding to the given length on the given curve. More...
def MakeEdgeWire
 Create an edge from specified wire. More...
def MakeWire
 Create a wire from the set of edges and wires. More...
def MakeFace
 Create a face on the given wire. More...
def MakeFaceWires
 Create a face on the given wires set. More...
def MakeFaces
 See MakeFaceWires() method for details. More...
def MakeFaceFromSurface
 Create a face based on a surface from given face bounded by given wire. More...
def MakeFaceWithConstraints
 Create a face from a set of edges with the given constraints. More...
def MakeShell
 Create a shell from the set of faces, shells and/or compounds of faces. More...
def MakeSolid
 Create a solid, bounded by the given shells. More...
def MakeCompound
 Create a compound of the given shapes. More...
def MakeSolidFromConnectedFaces
 Create a solid (or solids) from the set of faces and/or shells. More...
def NumberOfFaces
 Gives quantity of faces in the given shape. More...
def NumberOfEdges
 Gives quantity of edges in the given shape. More...
def NumberOfSubShapes
 Gives quantity of sub-shapes of type theShapeType in the given shape. More...
def NumberOfSolids
 Gives quantity of solids in the given shape. More...
def ChangeOrientation
 Reverses an orientation the given shape. More...
def OrientationChange
 See ChangeOrientation() method for details. More...
def GetFreeFacesIDs
 Retrieve all free faces from the given shape. More...
def GetSharedShapes
 Get all sub-shapes of theShape1 of the given type, shared with theShape2. More...
def GetSharedShapesMulti
 Get sub-shapes, shared by input shapes. More...
def GetShapesOnPlane
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified plane by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnPlaneIDs
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified plane by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocation
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified plane by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnPlaneWithLocationIDs
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified plane by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnCylinder
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified cylinder by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnCylinderIDs
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified cylinder by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnCylinderWithLocation
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified cylinder by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnCylinderWithLocationIDs
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified cylinder by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnSphere
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified sphere by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnSphereIDs
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified sphere by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnQuadrangle
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified quadrangle by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnQuadrangleIDs
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified quadrangle by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnBox
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified theBox by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnBoxIDs
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified theBox by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnShape
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified theCheckShape by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnShapeAsCompound
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified theCheckShape by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetShapesOnShapeIDs
 Find in theShape all sub-shapes of type theShapeType, situated relatively the specified theCheckShape by the certain way, defined through theState parameter. More...
def GetInPlace
 Get sub-shape(s) of theShapeWhere, which are coincident with theShapeWhat or could be a part of it. More...
def GetInPlaceByHistory
 Get sub-shape(s) of theShapeWhere, which are coincident with theShapeWhat or could be a part of it. More...
def GetSame
 Get sub-shape of theShapeWhere, which is equal to theShapeWhat. More...
def GetSameIDs
 Get sub-shape indices of theShapeWhere, which is equal to theShapeWhat. More...
def ExtendEdge
 Resize the input edge with the new Min and Max parameters. More...
def ExtendFace
 Resize the input face with the new UMin, UMax, VMin and VMax parameters. More...
def MakeSurfaceFromFace
 This function takes some face as input parameter and creates new GEOM_Object, i.e. More...
def GetSubShape
 Obtain a composite sub-shape of aShape, composed from sub-shapes of aShape, selected by their unique IDs inside aShape More...
def GetSubShapeID
 Obtain unique ID of sub-shape aSubShape inside aShape of aShape, selected by their unique IDs inside aShape More...
def GetSubShapesIDs
 Obtain unique IDs of sub-shapes aSubShapes inside aShape This function is provided for performance purpose. More...
def GetExistingSubObjects
 Get all sub-shapes and groups of theShape, that were created already by any other methods. More...
def GetGroups
 Get all groups of theShape, that were created already by any other methods. More...
def SubShapeAll
 Explode a shape on sub-shapes of a given type. More...
def SubShapeAllIDs
 Explode a shape on sub-shapes of a given type. More...
def SubShape
 Obtain a compound of sub-shapes of aShape, selected by their indices in list of all sub-shapes of type aType. More...
def SubShapeAllSortedCentres
 Explode a shape on sub-shapes of a given type. More...
def SubShapeAllSortedCentresIDs
 Explode a shape on sub-shapes of a given type. More...
def SubShapeSortedCentres
 Obtain a compound of sub-shapes of aShape, selected by they indices in sorted list of all sub-shapes of type aType. More...
def ExtractShapes
 Extract shapes (excluding the main shape) of given type. More...
def SubShapes
 Get a set of sub-shapes defined by their unique IDs inside aShape More...
def GetSubShapeEdgeSorted
 Explode a shape into edges sorted in a row from a starting point. More...
def GetSubShapesWithTolerance
 Return the list of subshapes that satisfies a certain tolerance criterion. More...
def IsSubShapeBelongsTo
 Check if the object is a sub-object of another GEOM object. More...
def MakeExtraction
 Perform extraction of sub-shapes from the main shape. More...
def SubShapeAllSorted
 Deprecated method It works like SubShapeAllSortedCentres(), but wrongly defines centres of faces, shells and solids. More...
def SubShapeAllSortedIDs
 Deprecated method It works like SubShapeAllSortedCentresIDs(), but wrongly defines centres of faces, shells and solids. More...
def SubShapeSorted
 Deprecated method It works like SubShapeSortedCentres(), but has a bug (wrongly defines centres of faces, shells and solids). More...
def ProcessShape
 Apply a sequence of Shape Healing operators to the given object. More...
def SuppressFaces
 Remove faces from the given object (shape). More...
def MakeSewing
 Sewing of faces into a single shell. More...
def Sew
 Sewing of faces into a single shell. More...
def RemoveInternalFaces
 Rebuild the topology of theSolids by removing the faces that are shared by several solids. More...
def SuppressInternalWires
 Remove internal wires and edges from the given object (face). More...
def SuppressHoles
 Remove internal closed contours (holes) from the given object. More...
def CloseContour
 Close an open wire. More...
def DivideEdge
 Addition of a point to a given edge object. More...
def DivideEdgeByPoint
 Addition of points to a given edge of theObject by projecting other points to the given edge. More...
def FuseCollinearEdgesWithinWire
 Suppress the vertices in the wire in case if adjacent edges are C1 continuous. More...
def ChangeOrientationShell
 Change orientation of the given object. More...
def ChangeOrientationShellCopy
 Change orientation of the given object. More...
def LimitTolerance
 Try to limit tolerance of the given object by value theTolerance. More...
def GetFreeBoundary
 Get a list of wires (wrapped in GEOM.GEOM_Object-s), that constitute a free boundary of the given shape. More...
def MakeGlueFaces
 Replace coincident faces in theShapes by one face. More...
def GetGlueFaces
 Find coincident faces in theShapes for possible gluing. More...
def MakeGlueFacesByList
 Replace coincident faces in theShapes by one face in compliance with given list of faces. More...
def MakeGlueEdges
 Replace coincident edges in theShapes by one edge. More...
def GetGlueEdges
 Find coincident edges in theShapes for possible gluing. More...
def MakeGlueEdgesByList
 Replace coincident edges in theShapes by one edge in compliance with given list of edges. More...
def MakeBoolean
 Perform one of boolean operations on two given shapes. More...
def MakeCommon
 Perform Common boolean operation on two given shapes. More...
def MakeCut
 Perform Cut boolean operation on two given shapes. More...
def MakeFuse
 Perform Fuse boolean operation on two given shapes. More...
def MakeSection
 Perform Section boolean operation on two given shapes. More...
def MakeFuseList
 Perform Fuse boolean operation on the list of shapes. More...
def MakeCommonList
 Perform Common boolean operation on the list of shapes. More...
def MakeCutList
 Perform Cut boolean operation on one object and the list of tools. More...
def MakePartition
 Perform partition operation. More...
def MakePartitionNonSelfIntersectedShape
 Perform partition operation. More...
def Partition
 See method MakePartition() for more information. More...
def MakeHalfPartition
 Perform partition of the Shape with the Plane. More...
def TranslateTwoPoints
 Translate the given object along the vector, specified by its end points. More...
def MakeTranslationTwoPoints
 Translate the given object along the vector, specified by its end points, creating its copy before the translation. More...
def TranslateDXDYDZ
 Translate the given object along the vector, specified by its components. More...
def MakeTranslation
 Translate the given object along the vector, specified by its components, creating its copy before the translation. More...
def TranslateVector
 Translate the given object along the given vector. More...
def MakeTranslationVector
 Translate the given object along the given vector, creating its copy before the translation. More...
def TranslateVectorDistance
 Translate the given object along the given vector on given distance. More...
def MakeTranslationVectorDistance
 Translate the given object along the given vector on given distance, creating its copy before the translation. More...
def Rotate
 Rotate the given object around the given axis on the given angle. More...
def MakeRotation
 Rotate the given object around the given axis on the given angle, creating its copy before the rotation. More...
def RotateThreePoints
 Rotate given object around vector perpendicular to plane containing three points. More...
def MakeRotationThreePoints
 Rotate given object around vector perpendicular to plane containing three points, creating its copy before the rotatation. More...
def Scale
 Scale the given object by the specified factor. More...
def MakeScaleTransform
 Scale the given object by the factor, creating its copy before the scaling. More...
def ScaleAlongAxes
 Scale the given object by different factors along coordinate axes. More...
def MakeScaleAlongAxes
 Scale the given object by different factors along coordinate axes, creating its copy before the scaling. More...
def MirrorByPlane
 Mirror an object relatively the given plane. More...
def MakeMirrorByPlane
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given plane. More...
def MirrorByAxis
 Mirror an object relatively the given axis. More...
def MakeMirrorByAxis
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given axis. More...
def MirrorByPoint
 Mirror an object relatively the given point. More...
def MakeMirrorByPoint
 Create an object, symmetrical to the given one relatively the given point. More...
def Position
 Modify the location of the given object. More...
def MakePosition
 Modify the Location of the given object by LCS, creating its copy before the setting. More...
def PositionAlongPath
 Modify the Location of the given object by Path. More...
def MakePositionAlongPath
 Modify the Location of the given object by Path, creating its copy before the operation. More...
def Offset
 Offset given shape. More...
def MakeOffset
 Create new object as offset of the given one. More...
def MakeProjection
 Create new object as projection of the given one on another. More...
def MakeProjectionOnWire
 Create a projection of the given point on a wire or an edge. More...
def MakeMultiTranslation1D
 Translate the given object along the given vector a given number times. More...
def MakeMultiTranslation2D
 Conseqently apply two specified translations to theObject specified number of times. More...
def MultiRotate1DNbTimes
 Rotate the given object around the given axis a given number times. More...
def MultiRotate1DByStep
 Rotate the given object around the given axis a given number times on the given angle. More...
def MultiRotate2DNbTimes
 Rotate the given object around the given axis a given number times and multi-translate each rotation result. More...
def MultiRotate2DByStep
 Rotate the given object around the given axis on the given angle a given number times and multi-translate each rotation result. More...
def MakeMultiRotation1DNbTimes
 The same, as MultiRotate1DNbTimes(), but axis is given by direction and point. More...
def MakeMultiRotation1DByStep
 The same, as MultiRotate1DByStep(), but axis is given by direction and point. More...
def MakeMultiRotation2DNbTimes
 The same, as MultiRotate2DNbTimes(), but axis is given by direction and point. More...
def MakeMultiRotation2DByStep
 The same, as MultiRotate2DByStep(), but axis is given by direction and point. More...
def MakeProjectionOnCylinder
 Compute a wire or a face that represents a projection of the source shape onto cylinder. More...
def MultiRotate1D
 Deprecated method. More...
def MultiRotate2D
 The same, as MultiRotate2DByStep(), but theAngle is in degrees. More...
def MakeMultiRotation1D
 The same, as MultiRotate1D(), but axis is given by direction and point This method is DEPRECATED. More...
def MakeMultiRotation2D
 The same, as MultiRotate2D(), but axis is given by direction and point This method is DEPRECATED. More...
def MakeFilletAll
 Perform a fillet on all edges of the given shape. More...
def MakeFillet
 Perform a fillet on the specified edges/faces of the given shape. More...
def MakeFilletR1R2
 The same that MakeFillet() but with two Fillet Radius R1 and R2. More...
def MakeFillet1D
 Perform a fillet on the specified edges of the given shape. More...
def MakeFillet2D
 Perform a fillet at the specified vertices of the given face/shell. More...
def MakeChamferAll
 Perform a symmetric chamfer on all edges of the given shape. More...
def MakeChamferEdge
 Perform a chamfer on edges, common to the specified faces, with distance D1 on the Face1. More...
def MakeChamferEdgeAD
 Perform a chamfer on edges. More...
def MakeChamferFaces
 Perform a chamfer on all edges of the specified faces, with distance D1 on the first specified face (if several for one edge) More...
def MakeChamferFacesAD
 The Same that MakeChamferFaces() but with params theD is chamfer lenght and theAngle is Angle of chamfer (angle in radians or a name of variable which defines angle in degrees) More...
def MakeChamferEdges
 Perform a chamfer on edges, with distance D1 on the first specified face (if several for one edge) More...
def MakeChamferEdgesAD
 The Same that MakeChamferEdges() but with params theD is chamfer lenght and theAngle is Angle of chamfer (angle in radians or a name of variable which defines angle in degrees) More...
def MakeChamfer
def MakeExtrudedCut
 Remove material from a solid by extrusion of the base shape on the given distance. More...
def MakeExtrudedBoss
 Add material to a solid by extrusion of the base shape on the given distance. More...
def Archimede
 Perform an Archimde operation on the given shape with given parameters. More...
def PointCoordinates
 Get point coordinates. More...
def VectorCoordinates
 Get vector coordinates. More...
def CrossProduct
 Compute cross product. More...
def DotProduct
 Compute cross product. More...
def BasicProperties
 Get summarized length of all wires, area of surface and volume of the given shape. More...
def BoundingBox
 Get parameters of bounding box of the given shape. More...
def MakeBoundingBox
 Get bounding box of the given shape. More...
def Inertia
 Get inertia matrix and moments of inertia of theShape. More...
def AreCoordsInside
 Get if coords are included in the shape (ST_IN or ST_ON) More...
def MinDistance
 Get minimal distance between the given shapes. More...
def MinDistanceComponents
 Get minimal distance between the given shapes. More...
def ClosestPoints
 Get closest points of the given shapes. More...
def GetAngle
 Get angle between the given shapes in degrees. More...
def GetAngleRadians
 Get angle between the given shapes in radians. More...
def GetAngleVectors
 Get angle between the given vectors in degrees. More...
def GetAngleRadiansVectors
 The same as GetAngleVectors, but the result is in radians. More...
def Tolerance
 Get min and max tolerances of sub-shapes of theShape. More...
def WhatIs
 Obtain description of the given shape (number of sub-shapes of each type) More...
def NbShapes
 Obtain quantity of shapes of the given type in theShape. More...
def ShapeInfo
 Obtain quantity of shapes of each type in theShape. More...
def GetCreationInformation
def MakeCDG
 Get a point, situated at the centre of mass of theShape. More...
def GetVertexByIndex
 Get a vertex sub-shape by index depended with orientation. More...
def GetFirstVertex
 Get the first vertex of wire/edge depended orientation. More...
def GetLastVertex
 Get the last vertex of wire/edge depended orientation. More...
def GetNormal
 Get a normale to the given face. More...
def PrintShapeErrors
 Print shape errors obtained from CheckShape. More...
def CheckShape
 Check a topology of the given shape. More...
def CheckSelfIntersections
 Detect self-intersections in the given shape. More...
def CheckSelfIntersectionsFast
 Detect self-intersections of the given shape with algorithm based on mesh intersections. More...
def CheckBOPArguments
 Check boolean and partition operations agruments. More...
def FastIntersect
 Detect intersections of the given shapes with algorithm based on mesh intersections. More...
def GetPosition
 Get position (LCS) of theShape. More...
def KindOfShape
 Get kind of theShape. More...
def ImportFile
 Import a shape from the BREP, IGES, STEP or other file (depends on given format) with given name. More...
def Import
 Deprecated analog of ImportFile() More...
def RestoreShape
 Read a shape from the binary stream, containing its bounding representation (BRep). More...
def Export
 Export the given shape into a file with given name. More...
def MakeQuad
 Create a quadrangle face from four edges. More...
def MakeQuad2Edges
 Create a quadrangle face on two edges. More...
def MakeQuad4Vertices
 Create a quadrangle face with specified corners. More...
def MakeHexa
 Create a hexahedral solid, bounded by the six given faces. More...
def MakeHexa2Faces
 Create a hexahedral solid between two given faces. More...
def GetPoint
 Get a vertex, found in the given shape by its coordinates. More...
def GetVertexNearPoint
 Find a vertex of the given shape, which has minimal distance to the given point. More...
def GetEdge
 Get an edge, found in the given shape by two given vertices. More...
def GetEdgeNearPoint
 Find an edge of the given shape, which has minimal distance to the given point. More...
def GetFaceByPoints
 Returns a face, found in the given shape by four given corner vertices. More...
def GetFaceByEdges
 Get a face of block, found in the given shape by two given edges. More...
def GetOppositeFace
 Find a face, opposite to the given one in the given block. More...
def GetFaceNearPoint
 Find a face of the given shape, which has minimal distance to the given point. More...
def GetFaceByNormale
 Find a face of block, whose outside normale has minimal angle with the given vector. More...
def GetShapesNearPoint
 Find all sub-shapes of type theShapeType of the given shape, which have minimal distance to the given point. More...
def CheckCompoundOfBlocks
 Check, if the compound of blocks is given. More...
def GetNonBlocks
 Retrieve all non blocks solids and faces from theShape. More...
def RemoveExtraEdges
 Remove all seam and degenerated edges from theShape. More...
def UnionFaces
 Performs union faces of theShape Unite faces sharing one surface. More...
def CheckAndImprove
 Check, if the given shape is a blocks compound. More...
def MakeBlockExplode
 Get all the blocks, contained in the given compound. More...
def GetBlockNearPoint
 Find block, containing the given point inside its volume or on boundary. More...
def GetBlockByParts
 Find block, containing all the elements, passed as the parts, or maximum quantity of them. More...
def GetBlocksByParts
 Return all blocks, containing all the elements, passed as the parts. More...
def MakeMultiTransformation1D
 Multi-transformate block and glue the result. More...
def MakeMultiTransformation2D
 Multi-transformate block and glue the result. More...
def Propagate
 Build all possible propagation groups. More...
def CreateGroup
 Creates a new group which will store sub-shapes of theMainShape. More...
def AddObject
 Adds a sub-object with ID theSubShapeId to the group. More...
def RemoveObject
 Removes a sub-object with ID theSubShapeId from the group. More...
def UnionList
 Adds to the group all the given shapes. More...
def UnionIDs
 Adds to the group all the given shapes. More...
def DifferenceList
 Removes from the group all the given shapes. More...
def DifferenceIDs
 Removes from the group all the given shapes. More...
def UnionGroups
 Union of two groups. More...
def IntersectGroups
 Intersection of two groups. More...
def CutGroups
 Cut of two groups. More...
def UnionListOfGroups
 Union of list of groups. More...
def IntersectListOfGroups
 Cut of lists of groups. More...
def CutListOfGroups
 Cut of lists of groups. More...
def GetObjectIDs
 Returns a list of sub-objects ID stored in the group. More...
def GetType
 Returns a type of sub-objects stored in the group. More...
def ShapeIdToType
 Convert a type of geom object from id to string value. More...
def GetMainShape
 Returns a main shape associated with the group. More...
def GetEdgesByLength
 Create group of edges of theShape, whose length is in range [min_length, max_length]. More...
def SelectEdges
 Create group of edges of selected shape, whose length is in range [min_length, max_length]. More...
def MakeCopy
 Create a copy of the given object. More...
def addPath
 Add Path to load python scripts from. More...
def LoadTexture
 Load marker texture from the file. More...
def getObjectID
 Get internal name of the object based on its study entry. More...
def AddTexture
 Add marker texture. More...
def TransferData
 Transfer not topological data from one GEOM object to another. More...
def NewFolder
 Creates a new folder object. More...
def PutToFolder
 Move object to the specified folder. More...
def PutListToFolder
 Move list of objects to the specified folder. More...
def CreateField
 Creates a field. More...
def RemoveField
 Removes a field from the GEOM component. More...
def CountFields
 Returns number of fields on a shape. More...
def GetFields
 Returns all fields on a shape. More...
def GetField
 Returns a field on a shape by its name. More...
def GetAdvancedOperations
def MakeDividedCylinder
 Builds a cylinder prepared for hexa meshes. More...
def MakeDividedDisk
 This function allows creating a disk already divided into blocks. More...
def MakeDividedDiskPntVecR
 This function allows creating a disk already divided into blocks. More...
def MakePipeTShape
 Create a T-shape object with specified caracteristics for the main and the incident pipes (radius, width, half-length). More...
def MakePipeTShapeChamfer
 Create a T-shape object with chamfer and with specified caracteristics for the main and the incident pipes (radius, width, half-length). More...
def MakePipeTShapeFillet
 Create a T-shape object with fillet and with specified caracteristics for the main and the incident pipes (radius, width, half-length). More...
def MakeSmoothingSurface
 Create a surface from a cloud of points. More...
def ExportSTL
 Export the given shape into a file with given name in STL format. More...
def GetSTLPluginOperations
def ImportSTL
 Import a shape from the STL file. More...
def ExportBREP
 Export the given shape into a file with given name in BREP format. More...
def GetBREPPluginOperations
def ImportBREP
 Import a shape from the BREP file. More...
def ExportSTEP
 Export the given shape into a file with given name in STEP format. More...
def GetSTEPPluginOperations
def GetSTEPUnit
 Return length unit from given STEP file. More...
def ImportSTEP
 Import a shape from the STEP file with given name. More...
def ExportIGES
 Export the given shape into a file with given name in IGES format. More...
def GetIGESPluginOperations
def GetIGESUnit
 Return length unit from given IGES file. More...
def ImportIGES
 Import a shape from the IGES file with given name. More...
def ExportXAO
 Export a shape to XAO format. More...
def GetXAOPluginOperations
def ImportXAO
 Import a shape from XAO format. More...
def ExportVTK
 Export the given shape into a file with given name in VTK format. More...
def GetVTKPluginOperations
Curve Curvature Measurement

Methods for receiving radius of curvature of curves in the given point

def CurveCurvatureByParam
 Measure curvature of a curve at a point, set by parameter. More...
def CurveCurvatureByPoint
 Measure curvature of a curve at a point. More...
Surface Curvature Measurement

Methods for receiving max and min radius of curvature of surfaces in the given point

def MaxSurfaceCurvatureByParam
 Measure max radius of curvature of surface. More...
def MaxSurfaceCurvatureByPoint
 Measure max radius of curvature of surface in the given point. More...
def MinSurfaceCurvatureByParam
 Measure min radius of curvature of surface. More...
def MinSurfaceCurvatureByPoint
 Measure min radius of curvature of surface in the given point. More...

Data Fields


Static Public Attributes

dictionary ShapeType = {"AUTO":-1, "COMPOUND":0, "COMPSOLID":1, "SOLID":2, "SHELL":3, "FACE":4, "WIRE":5, "EDGE":6, "VERTEX":7, "SHAPE":8, "FLAT":9}
 Enumeration ShapeType as a dictionary. More...
 kind = GEOM.GEOM_IKindOfShape
 Kinds of shape in terms of GEOM.GEOM_IKindOfShape.shape_kind enumeration and a list of parameters, describing the shape. More...

Private Member Functions

def _autoPublish
 Process object publication in the study, as follows: More...
def _IsGoodForSolid
 Returns the string that describes if the shell is good for solid. More...

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

def __init__ (   self)

Member Function Documentation

def __new__ (   cls)
def _autoPublish (   self,
  theDefaultName = "noname" 

Process object publication in the study, as follows:

  • if theName is specified (not None), the object is published in the study with this name, not taking into account "auto-publishing" option;
  • if theName is NOT specified, the object is published in the study (using default name, which can be customized using theDefaultName parameter) only if auto-publishing is switched on.
theObjobject, a subject for publishing
theNameobject name for study
theDefaultNamedefault name for the auto-publishing
See Also

References geomBuilder.addToStudy(), geomBuilder.addToStudyInFather(), and geomBuilder.myMaxNbSubShapesAllowed.

def GetAdvancedOperations (   self)
def GetSTLPluginOperations (   self)
def GetBREPPluginOperations (   self)
def GetSTEPPluginOperations (   self)
def GetIGESPluginOperations (   self)
def GetXAOPluginOperations (   self)
def GetVTKPluginOperations (   self)

Field Documentation
