Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of fortran

Oct 18, 2016, 6:19:19 PM (8 years ago)
Leon Kos

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  • fortran

    v11 v12  
    44== 1. Integral function calculation using trapeze, rectangle and Simpson method ==
     5There are three methods which are using for calculation definite integrals in Fortran.
     6First is rectangle method, where the function is integrated using segment integration
     7and like a resultant we obtain rectangle formula. Second is trapeze method and the same like
     8in the first method after integration we obtain the trapeze formula. And the third method is
     9Simpson method where the function which is integrated, is parabolic and after integration   
     10we obtain Simpson's formula. In all methods are used segment integration, which means that
     11interval of integration a and b is divided into N segments. The splitting points xn are 
     12called nodes.   
     13In this program we calculate the same integral but using different methods the get the
     14difference between each method .
    6 #!fortran
    7 !There are three methods which are using for calculation definite integrals in Fortran.
    8 !First is rectangle method, where the function is integrated using segment integration
    9 !and like a resultant we obtain rectangle formula. Second is trapeze method and the same like
    10 !in the first method after integration we obtain the trapeze formula. And the third method is
    11 !Simpson method where the function which is integrated, is parabolic and after integration   
    12 !we obtain Simpson's formula. In all methods are used segment integration, which means that
    13 !interval of integration a and b is divided into N segments. The splitting points xn are 
    14 !called nodes.   
    15 !In this program we calculate the same integral but using different methods the get the
    16 !difference between each method   
    1718real x,dx,s
    4647== 2. Integral function calculation using Simpson method  ==
     48Calculate an integral using only Simpson method. Look at program 1 for introduction
    49 ! Calculate an integral using only Simpson method. Look at program 1 for introduction
    5051real x,dx,s
    7576== 3. Calculation dependence between integral function and coordinates ==
     77To compare the resultants which are obtained in the program 1 with a graphical integration
     78and to get the precision of integration, in this program first is obtained the graph of the
     79integral dependence in Origin,and after that it is compared with the resultants in program 1
    78 !To compare the resultants which are obtained in the program 1 with a graphical integration
    79 !and to get the precision of integration, in this program first is obtained the graph of the
    80 !integral dependence in Origin,and after that it is compared with the resultants in program 1
    8182real x,dx, a, b
    8283open(1,file='y2.dat', status='unknown')!the document y2 is in the project folder