This is the complete list of members for GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d, including all inherited members.
Circle() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Continuity() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
D0(const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d &P) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
D1(const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d &P, gp_Vec2d &V) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
D2(const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d &P, gp_Vec2d &V1, gp_Vec2d &V2) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
D3(const Standard_Real U, gp_Pnt2d &P, gp_Vec2d &V1, gp_Vec2d &V2, gp_Vec2d &V3) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Degree() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
DN(const Standard_Real U, const Standard_Integer N) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Ellipse() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
FirstParameter() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
GetType() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&Curve() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Handle(Adaptor2d_HCurve2d) Trim(const Standard_Real First | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Handle(Geom2d_BezierCurve) Bezier() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Handle(Geom2d_BSplineCurve) BSpline() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Hyperbola() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Intervals(TColStd_Array1OfReal &T, const GeomAbs_Shape S) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
IsClosed() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
IsPeriodic() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
IsRational() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Last | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
LastParameter() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Line() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Load(const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&C) | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Load(const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&C, const Standard_Real UFirst, const Standard_Real ULast) | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
myCurve | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | private |
myTrsf | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | private |
NbIntervals(const GeomAbs_Shape S) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
NbKnots() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
NbPoles() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
NbSamples() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Parabola() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Period() const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Resolution(const Standard_Real Ruv) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
TrsfCurve2d(const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&theCurve, const Trsf2d &theTrsf) | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
TrsfCurve2d(const Handle(Geom2d_Curve)&theCurve, const Standard_Real theUFirst, const Standard_Real theULast, const Trsf2d &theTrsf) | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d | |
Value(const Standard_Real U) const | GEOMUtils::TrsfCurve2d |